Big Brother 14 Spoilers: Eviction Nominations Week 6

The Live Feeds are going crazy tonight in response to the new HoH’s nominations. The nominees are pissed and there’s even fallout from the HoH’s own allies who are angry at him for being, wait for it, thrown under the bus. You don’t want to miss all this action!


Please be warned this post contains Big Brother 14 spoilers about the week 6 eviction nominations from the Big Brother live feeds. If you don’t want to know, stop reading now!

If you do want to know, then just click the plus sign under our SPOILER ALERT banner below.

[spoiler name=”Spoiler Alert: Week 5 Eviction Nominations”]

Shane has nominated Boogie and Frank for eviction this week.


If you aren’t already tuned into the Big Brother live feeds, now is the time to get on board as the season really heats up!

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