Big Brother 14 Spoilers: Live Feed Recap – Sunday, Week 5

The current Big Brother 14 Power of Veto holder has the chance to make a radical move in the Power of Veto Ceremony Monday, but will they take it? This could be the perfect opportunity to make a bold game move and backdoor a major player. Or it might be best to lay low and keep your enemies close. Read on in our Big Brother 14 spoilers from the Big Brother live feeds for the inside scoop on what will likely happen at the PoV Ceremony on Monday.


This post contains Big Brother 14 spoilers from the Big Brother live feeds from Sunday, August 12. Please stop reading here if you do not want to know what happened!

Please note that RealNetworks Superpass is having some issues with the live feeds Flashback feature. Instead of always showing BBT time, it is showing local time to some viewers. So convert your local time to Pacific time when you Flashback, or you can set your computer clock to PT time to make things easier.


12:00 AM BBT

Following the Power of Veto Competition, which Head of Household Frank Eudy won, the guests blow off some steam in the wee hours of Sunday morning with some charades. Ashley Iocco, by the way, is a TERRIBLE charades player. They abandon the game when the backyard is finally opened up after the PoV Comp lockdown ends.

Over the next few hours there is a bit of game talk here and there as Frank tries to start thinking on whether or not to use the Power of Veto, and who he should target for eviction this week. Frank tells Boogie maybe keeping Wil is better so he will go after their ‘silent 6’ partners (Dan, Danielle, Britney, and Shane). In another discussion, Ian tries to convince Frank that maybe keeping Chef Joe Arvin is better because he won’t nominate them.

Around 2 AM BBT, Team Tits (Ashley, Wil, and Jenn) talk in the Stereo Room. Ashley is sick of Ian and annoyed he made fun of her during the charades game. Wil says the only thing he can do about keeping himself in the house is talking to Frank and convincing him there are bigger targets to take out. He’s afraid “they” are all working together though and that won’t work.

A bit later, Britney Haynes mocks Shane from the earlier competition, saying ‘I’m Shane and I’m mad, I’m going to take my shirt off and let my abs glisten’. Very funny.

11:15 AM BBT

The houseguests sleep quite late this morning for the most part and are slow getting started. Ian and Dan are talking in the pool. Ian really thinks it is better to get rid of Joe because he thinks Frank and Boogie have a deal with Joe for a one week safety pack. Ian thinks if Wil stays, he will go after Frank and Boogie.

A little later Dan Gheesling relates a terrible dream he had where his wife Chelsea was with Shane and he was furious and it woke him up. Poor guy.

11:50 AM BBT

Chef Joe works Ian for his vote. Ian hem-haws around it, saying he needs to see what happens with the Power of Veto. Ian tells Joe he doesn’t think Frank will use the PoV to change the nominations.

1:30 PM BBT

Dan and Boogie talk about Wil being snippy and Chef Joe staring at them. They start to count how many times Joe looks over to stare at them…

1:50 PM BBT

Dan tells Boogie if the three of them can just stick together (them + Frank), they can run down the whole house. Boogie says he thinks Frank is worried about how close Dan is to Danielle. They are still counting looks from Chef Joe… They get up to 35 before Boogie goes inside.

2:00 PM BBT

Britney and Ashley bash Joe severely and make fun of him and his family. Until he comes out. Then they tell him how they were just talking about him being a great cook. Mmmhmmm.

Various points in the afternoon. Shane and Danielle continue to play their icky dance of “I’m obsessed with you… and, I’m playing along with you so I have your vote…” Danielle also stares at her own ass in a mirror for a good long moment. Later, she complains about how fat she is so Britney can tell her how of course she’s not fat and she’s hot. Barf.

4:45 PM BBT

Wil is working on Shane. They talk about how the Mike Boogie/Frank Eudy relationship needs to be broken up. Wil pushes that his people and Shane’s people could buddy up next week.

5:40 PM BBT

Shane tells Boogie and Frank he is a bit worried about getting a sudden backdoor. (Understandable considering how he tried and nearly succeeded in backdooring Frank, and they just backdoored Janelle.)

Boogie says there is no chance of that happening. Shane says as long as he is kept safe, he will not nominate Frank or Boogie, or backdoor either of them. Boogie says he’s thinking he might be wanting to get Wil out because he’s more likely to win comps and come after them. They think Joe is relatively harmless to keep around. Boogie and Frank tell Shane that Wil has Jenn’s vote in addition to Ashley’s.

6:20 PM BBT

Jenn talks about being worried she’s been caught naked in front of the camera and she’s going to be very embarrassed if she has. She’s been working very hard not to get caught nude. Dan says to give it up, everyone is going to end up on camera with some bit of themselves hanging out. He notes the Head of Household shower is totally designed to catch people showing things. Wil says they all signed away any privacy in agreeing to be on the show.

6:55 PM BBT

Boogie tells Joe the plan is to keep him and get out Wil. Boogie says he just wants Joe to stay on his good side later on. He tells Joe not to work it too hard, to campaign gently and not get riled up. Joe promises he won’t go after Shane or Frank.

7:55 PM BBT

Wil tells Britney it would be a waste to use a HoH on him or Joe instead of a power player. She tells him he needs to stay calm and not show people how mad he is.

8:00 PM BBT

Shane and Danielle in the hammock. Yuck. Shane says that Wil basically said Shane, Danielle, Britney, and Dan are an alliance, but Danielle says she shot him down on the idea last night.

8:34 PM BBT

Ashley tells Jenn she thinks Frank will backdoor Shane because he’s a major threat and it would make perfect sense. She thinks Shane looks worried. Jenn thinks Frank needs to make a big move. Ashley wasn’t able to get any information out of Frank about his plans earlier. Wil joins the ladies and Team Tits lean toward the belief that Wil will be safe this week because Frank wouldn’t waste the HoH on him.

8:55 PM BBT

Boogie, Britney and Frank talk. Boogie thinks taking out Wil is the best option. Frank jokes that backdooring seems the thing to do. Frank jokes that he can see they don’t trust him. He says he agrees evicting Wil seems the best plan.

9:20 PM BBT

Britney and Ian discuss the possibility of a double eviction this week.

10:45 PM BBT

Danielle whines about being fat AGAIN. She’s worried the people watching the Big Brother live feeds will think she is fat. Joe says he’s be worried about stalkers if he was a ‘woman of her caliber’. (No Danielle, I don’t think you’re fat, I think you are nicely thin and curvy. However, I do think you are bat-shit crazy, which is far more unattractive than looking like a real woman instead of a pile of sticks.)

11:15 PM BBT

Boogie tells Dan and Frank that he told Wil he does not believe the Power of Veto will be used to change the nominations.

11:50 PM BBT

Team Tits again. Ashley says Frank could be planning to backdoor Dan like they did with Janelle. Wil says he can’t believe it if they have a chance to take out a big threat and don’t do it. Ashley is sure they will put up Shane or Dan. If they don’t, they are fools or something big is going on. They don’t think Frank/Boogie is working with Dan/Britney/Shane/Danielle. (They are, of course, very wrong.)

12:05 PM BBT

Wil works on Frank to stay in the game, saying he and Ashley voted to keep Frank in week one, they voted out someone else to keep Frank in the game, and he and Ashley would totally support him if he made a big move.

12:25 AM BBT

Britney and Dan talk about how they need to make sure they keep Ian on their side. Ian is playing a great game being valuable to everyone and a threat to practically no one at this point. (Whether or not he is doing it on purpose or that’s just how he has ended up is hard to tell, LOL.)

Frank and Ian talk in the HoH room. The idea of Dan being backdoored is thrown around. Frank thinks the only person that would be pissed is Danielle and they could still work with Britney and Shane (but they wouldn’t trust you a bit after that would they?). Ian doesn’t think Dan is so big of a threat. Frank disagrees. This conversation goes on for quite a while.

12:50 AM BBT

Britney tells Shane that Danielle would choose Dan over him. Shane agrees. Shane says he has been with Britney from day one. Shane says Ian told him the nominations would not change. Britney is worried Ian may not know for sure.

1:40 AM BBT

Ian tells Danielle and Britney about (some of) his discussion with Frank. He tells them he thinks the nominations will stay the same but that Frank was talking about taking down Joe and putting up Dan. Ian says Frank doesn’t like how Dan worked to get him out before the Coaches’ reset. Ian says Joe is a stupid stood pigeon and will buy whatever shit they sell him.

Later, Danielle whines about how she can’t be around Shane like she was before and it is awkward and she wants to cry and she can’t talk to him like she used to and omg omg omg SHUT UP DANIELLE. Britney is like, STFU and go to sleep.

Join us here at Thursday night for our Big Brother 14 live eviction show recap. Big Brother Access provides you with the latest dish from the show and the Big Brother spoilers, news and gossip via our Twitter feed, Facebook page and on Tumblr. You can also sign up for our daily e-mail updates here.

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