Big Brother 15 Spoilers: Week 3 Big Brother 15 MVP Eviction Nomination!

Big Brother MVPThe Big Brother spoilers for the Most Valuable Player eviction nomination are out! This week’s MVP was revealed last night on the Big Brother Live Feeds. Not long after, we found out who they decided to put up as the third eviction nominee. From here on out, it will be a fast and furious scramble for the Big Brother 15 cast members on the block to keep themselves from being the next evicted HouseGuest.

The first week of the competition, the CBS Big Brother Most Valuable Player’s nomination for eviction ended up going home when David was evicted from the house. The second week, MVP Elissa Slater’s pick Jeremy won the Power of Veto and took himself off the block, which was a scary moment for her since she very nearly ended up getting the boot herself. What will happen with the new MVP’s chosen eviction nominee this week? We can’t wait to find out. Keep in reading to find out who they picked!

WARNING: The following post contains Big Brother 2013 spoilers about major game play details from behind-the-scenes inside the house that have not yet aired on the CBS Big Brother 15 prime time show. You have been warned! If you’re ready for the reveal, just click the plus sign below our SPOILER ALERT! banner below.

[spoiler name=”Spoiler Alert: Big Brother 15, Week 3 Most Valuable Player”]

As we revealed earlier today, the new Big Brother MVP this week is the same as the old MVP from the previous two weeks. Yes, Elissa Slater won the Most Valuable Player vote again.

Deeply in cahoots with Helen, Elissa has decided to nominate Spencer for the block this week. The eventual plan as it stands, however, appears to be a backdoor of Jeremy if they can get the Power of Veto in their hands and take someone off the block.

The only big flaw will be if Jeremy or one of his few remaining allies wins PoV and then doesn’t use it. If that happens, it is still a lock that Helen, Elissa and their side of the house will get out at least one enemy player this week.


Do you think the MVP nominated the right person to go up for eviction this week? If not, who would you have chosen to become the third eviction nominee?

Stay tuned for the Big Brother spoilers on the Power of Veto Competition players and results coming up as soon as they are revealed on the Big Brother Live Feeds!

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