Big Brother 15 Spoilers: Who Will Be Evicted in Week 8?

Big Brother 2013 host Julie ChenWith the next live eviction on Big Brother 15 just one day away, it’s time for our prediction on who will be evicted in week 8. Unfortunately, once again we think this eviction prediction is far too easy to make. We always think it is far more fun to be chewing our nails over who will go home on Big Brother 2013 Thursday night. Or, in this case, who will go to the Jury House and possibly have a chance to come right back into the game!

All season long on Big Brother 2013 it has been a whole lot of predictable evictions with way too many unanimous votes. This week it looks like we are just going to get pretty much more of the same. Thankfully, however, we also have the latest Big Brother twist to look forward to. Watching the Jury members claw each other to pieces to try to get back into the game should hopefully be way more fun than another boring eviction. Seeing the HouseGuests’ faces when Candice Stewart, Judd Daughtery, Jessie Kowalski or this week’s evicted player comes back into the house… well, that should be priceless!

Especially if it is Candice and GinaMarie Zimmerman makes good on her threats to try to choke the life out of her and get thrown off the show or sent to prison. Candice is never going to win even if she comes back in but the drama between her, GinaMarie and Aaryn Gries would be wild if she made it back into the house.

We think, however, that the returning HouseGuest tomorrow is far more like to be Judd or possibly our predicted eviction victim this week — Helen. Yes, we think it is inevitable at this point that Helen will be getting voted out, largely to due Andy’s refusal to support her over McCrae and Amanda. (If Andy had flipped, GinaMarie and Aaryn might possibly have been persuaded to vote against replacement nominee Spencer Clawson and target McCranda next. Without Andy, it was a no go.)

We’re really hoping it won’t be Jessie coming back because she’d just end up getting sh*t all over and thrown out again as soon as possible. Judd would cause some chaos in the house and McCrae MIGHT even flip against Amanda with a new Judd/Spencer/maybe GinaMarie alliance. As for Helen, well, if she came back right away, we’re thinking she might just end up right back in the same place she is right now. We can only hope that with another week, she might actually find some way to get McCranda on the block next time eviction rolls around.

Stay tuned for all the latest Big Brother 2013 Live Feeds spoilers and highlights coming to you right here at! Or take the plunge yourself and try out a two-day free trial to see all the 24/7 uncensored action inside the house day and night.


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