Big Brother 15 cast member Spencer Clawson was slammed by his employer, Union Pacific, while he was on the show for spewing racist and homophobic comments. Now it appears Spencer is no longer employed with the company as a railroad conductor, which makes us wonder if Union Pacific finally got around to firing him.

“Union Pacific no longer employs Spencer Clawson,” the railroad told in a statement published on Sunday. The company did not specify whether Spencer was fired or left on his own. “Consistent with the company’s employment policy and privacy concerns, we do not provide details about personal matters.”
After Spencer Clawson was caught making racist and homophobic comments — including praising the oratory skills of Adolf Hitler and the contributions of Nazi doctors — on the Big Brother 15 live feeds, Union Pacific released a statement condemning his remarks. “The values represented by Spencer Clawson’s comments during the Big Brother show do not at all align with Union Pacific’s values,” the company said in a press release at the time.
While Union Pacific did not specifically say they were going to fire Spencer over his statements on Big Brother 15, the company did say it was “acting in accordance with Collective Bargaining Agreement terms regarding Mr. Clawson.” Or, in other words, the company was talking to the union about what to do about Spencer.
We’re sure Union Pacific was even more pleased when, later in the season, Spencer joked about getting off to child porn while impersonating fellow HouseGuest McCrae Olson.
We’re not at all surprised to hear that Spencer is no longer working for Union Pacific. But was he fired or did he decide after being investigated by Union Pacific that he should quietly resign? Maybe he just got too busy growing his giant beard and decided he didn’t need his job anymore. So far, Spencer isn’t talking about what happened either. Care to comment Spencer? We always like to hear both sides of any story…