Big Brother 17 Fan Favorite: Who Do You Love In Week 3?

Now that we’re a few weeks into Big Brother 17, it’s clear that some Houseguests have rapidly become fan favorites. Some of the other members of the Big Brother 2015 cast, however, are well on their way to becoming most disliked players of the season.

Big Brother 17 Memory Wall
Big Brother 17 Memory Wall (CBS)

Every year, some Houseguests that seem like they will be loved by the viewers end up despised. Others we thought would rub fans the wrong way end up totally beloved. The Big Brother 17 cast is no different. Who has ended up as your fan favorite player so far in the game? Vote for the Houseguest you love the most and let us know!

For instance, we really are a bit shocked to find Johnny Mac the wacky dentist has become an underdog sweetheart to many Big Brother fans. From his pre-season interviews, John McGuire came across as a frenetic, loud, annoying guy with a screw loose. We couldn’t fathom he would even be liked by the other Houseguests, much less the fans. Yet, here we are in week three and just about everyone seems to be enamored with Johnny Mac.

On the other hand, we though Audrey would reign for weeks as America’s favorite Houseguest because of her ‘story’ of being the first transgender player on Big Brother USA. Not that being transgender should matter in the game, but let’s face it, her story gave her a leg up at the start. Then she went and squandered it with her too hard, too fast, manipulative game play, making enemies of the other Houseguests and the viewers in short order.

So where does that leave us in week three? Who do the Big Brother 17 fans love and adore above all the other Houseguests? Vote in our poll below and let us know!

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