Big Brother 17 Spoilers: Live Feeds Overnight Report – 6/30/2015

12:00 AM BBT: Clay talks to Meg in the hammock outside. He wants to know who told Jeff about someone spreading the Meg and Jeff rumor. Meg wants to know too and plans to find out. She says there is someone in their group that is all drama and she doesn’t want to be around that. Clay agrees.

Jace talks to Austin and Liz in the lounge. Austin tells Jace that Clay and Shelli are working with Audrey. Jace counts votes. Austin says Jace will not get Jason. He says Jeff is the swing vote. Austin says everyone is figuring out that Audrey and Clay are playing both sides of the house and there is a revolution underway.

12:15 PM BBT: Jeff tells Jace that he and Jackie never really dated and that he thinks she thought it was more than it really was. He says she got bitter about it and it was weird coming in the house together. But he still trusts her. Jace says that if he goes home this week Audrey is going to f*ck him. He says he would not f*ck him if he stayed. He says he would be going after Audrey and the others with her coming after Jeff. Jeff says Audrey is f*cking crazy and he can’t trust Clay. This goes on for a bit with a lot of cursing and Audrey smack talk. Jeff says he will think about the votes, but that is all he will promise.

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Jace goes to talk to Liz and Austin. They both tell him he should go out with a bang. Jace leaves. Austin wonders if Jeff might flip on his vote but Liz doesn’t think he would vote against Jackie. Liz says she is totally out of the loop on everything. (Probably because she’s out of the house so much while her twin is in there!)

12:45 AM BBT: Shelli talks about how she feels Clay is really much more mature than his age. Audrey asks her though if Shelli thinks Clay could take care of her out in the real world. Shelli says she isn’t thinking about it as a relationship that would work outside of the house. Audrey says well if they do get married she could be a bridesmaid!

Clay and Jeff talk in the pantry. Jeff says Audrey is causing all the drama. Clay says Jeff is making assumptions. Jeff says everyone is on to her sh*t. Jeff wants to know why Clay trusts her. Clay says Audrey has given him a lot of game information and to Jeff to, that can help them. Jeff wants to know if Clay would trust him over Audrey. Clay says he would totally. Jeff says Audrey is after him and she’s told everyone that. And he says that Audrey is the source of the rumors going around and he knows it.  Jeff says Audrey is playing everyone in the house and everyone is going to go after her, everyone in the alliance. They were afraid to tell Clay and he cannot tell anyone about it, not Shelli or Audrey. Clay says to tell the group he will go with it.

1:20 AM BBT: Jace tells Jeff and Jackie that there are some people playing everyone in the house and tricking everyone. Jeff says that Jace should expose the main person who backstabbed him. Jace says he isn’t campaigning against Jackie, he’s just trying to save himself. Jace leaves. Jackie warns Jeff he needs to be cautious.

When Clay comes out of the pantry, Audrey and Shelli go after him for why he was in there with Jeff for so long. Clay says they don’t trust him if they are interrogating him like this. Audrey says no one is questioning his integrity. Clay says he is upset about they way she questions him like she is trying to catch him lying. Audrey says they just want to know if Jeff is telling them all the same things. Shelli says she’s sorry the way they confronted him but it just looked weird with him hiding out with Jeff so long. Lots more of this conversation worth hearing in a rewind on the Live Feeds. Finally, Steve comes in and just hovers over them.

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2:10 AM BBT: Jeff talks to Clay and Shelli. Jeff says he is afraid to tell her things because of her closeness with Audrey. Clay tells Shelli that Audrey is screwing everyone in the house. He says she can’t tell Audrey anything or it will screw them all over. He says everyone is going after Audrey, everyone in the alliance had a meeting about it except them. Jeff says that Audrey is going to go down and Shelli does not want to be part of that. Jeff says they weren’t included in the talk about this because they are both always up Audren’s a**. Clay says he is not.

Audrey invades and the talk turns to Jace and whatever crazy thing he is planning before he is evicted. Audrey says she will just tell Jace to sit the hell down if he starts sh*t about the 5 Alive alliance.

2:30 AM BBT: Jeff tells Clay in the bathroom that if Shelli says anything to Audrey he will f*cking flip out! Clay tells Shelli that he promised Jeff they wouldn’t say anything to anyone. Jeff tells Shelli he can tell she is nervous. Audrey comes in AGAIN and she wants to get Jason and Da’Vonne and have a conversation. Clay says he doesn’t want to do that right now, he is tired.

2:40 AM BBT: Audrey goes up to the Head of Household room and wakes up James. She says Jace is freaking everyone out and has been working on an eviction speech. Audrey talks about what they can do to defuse Jace. James says he doesn’t want to make any moves without the whole group. Audrey leaves and James tells the cameras that Audrey is full of sh*t.

2:50 AM BBT: Clay tells Jace he found out some sh*t tonight and he is getting played too. Jace says he’s not going to do anything big until Wednesday because he isn’t stupid.

3:15 AM BBT: You want to go and go and rewind on the Live Feeds to watch this!We start off with Jason in the backyard talking smack about Audrey. Jace begs James to please save him now that he knows Audrey is behind everything. Da’Vonne says James does not have a vote. Jace says the house will listen to the Head of Household. Da’Vonne says Jace can’t be mad at James if he gets evicted. Jace says he just wants a fair chance between him and Jackie.

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3:20 AM BBT: Audrey comes out and the sh*t hits the fan. She confronts the group and says she wants the truth out that everyone knew that Jace was going to be evicted. Jace says that he doesn’t believe that. He says he thinks Audrey is the reason he is getting evicted if he does and he is going to make sure the whole house knows she is the reason and she’s not going to get away with sh*t anymore. She says that everyone knew Jace wanted to backdoor Jason and everyone wanted to backdoor Jace because they didn’t like him.

Jace says he never wanted to backdoor Jason and he has already talked to Jason about that. Audrey wants to know whose idea was it then? Jace says he doesn’t f*cking know and yells that she knows that for a f*cking fact and to quit lying! Lots of yelling and name calling and all sorts of drama. Big nasty fight and well worth the rewind on the Live Feeds.

3:35 AM BBT: Jace wants James to call a house meeting tomorrow and tell everyone he put Jace up based on lies. Jace leaves. James tells Jeff that Jackie is going to be pissed if they do what Jace wants but if they don’t, Jace will probably call his own house meeting. Jeff says they should just let him and they can tell everyone it was just to keep Jace chill. James says Jace still needs to go but Audrey needs to go next.

3:55 AM BBT: Jace asks James to tell Clay it was Audrey who convinced him to put Jace up based on lies. James tells Clay this. Jace tells Clay he hopes this will change how he and Shelli vote. Clay tells Jace he needs to chill out because you can’t fight fire with fire, no one will like it. He has to let Audrey trip herself up.

4:20 AM BBT: Clay, Jason, Da’Vonne, and Meg talk in the backyard. Meg doesn’t understand why everyone is fighting with each other. Meg says Audrey is crazy. Shelli joins them and says she is in the worst place because she is close to Audrey. Jason calls Audrey a manipulator and wants to know where production found her.  Shelli says that Audrey thinks there is a twin in the house and asks if anyone knows a Matthew. Shelli says that she has a twin and Jeff has a twin. Shelli says Audrey said production asked her about a Matthew. Big Brother blocks the feeds, of course.

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Feeds come back and more talk about Audrey and how everything she says doesn’t go together. Jason says Audrey had her hands in the cookie jar and she got caught. Shelli and Clay go over to the hammock. Audrey comes out and questions Clay about what happened. Clay says everyone is talking about Jace definately going home and she should chill out and lay low.

6:45 AM BBT: Jeff and James still talking about how to get Audrey out and what to do if she wins Head of Household. Jeff goes to sleep on the couch in the HoH room with James in the bed.

That’s a wrap for this Live Feeds report! More to come soon in our Tuesday report!

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