Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Big Brother 15 Veto Ceremony Week 1

Big-Brother-Power-of-VetoThe first Big Brother 15 Veto Ceremony is over and the results didn’t come as much of a surprise to many fans who have been watching the Big Brother Live Feeds. Plans and plots have been flying around all week leading up to what was kind of an inevitable conclusion. How it all plays out from here, however, is the big question.

The new Big Brother 2013 Most Valuable Player twist has certainly had a big effect on the game already and what happened at the Veto Ceremony was pretty much a direct result of the MVP’s choice for the third elimination nominee this week. If you are ready to dive in and find out the Big Brother spoilers for what happened, then just click the plus sign below our SPOILER ALERT banner below!


[spoiler name=”Spoiler Alert: Week 8 Eviction Nominations”]

Head of Household McCrae began working on plans on what to do at the Power of Veto Ceremony this week even before the PoV Competition had been held. We have to give it to McCrae, he’s working a half dozen different angles and making mini-alliances all over the place and still not managing to get burned… yet. We’ll see what happens when he’s no longer HoH.

Despite telling secret alliance teammate Elissa that he would throw the competition to avoid having the POV power, McCrae didn’t, and ended up winning. With both HoH and PoV power in hand, McCrae was in the position to pretty much wheel and deal any kind of result he wanted out of the PoV Ceremony and almost virtually guarantee who will be evicted this week.

Although at first McCrae kind of waffled (at least to Elissa) about possibly not using the Power of Veto, that was never really an option. He knew that not taking someone down and putting up Elissa in their place would be a terrible game play decision. Most of the house already hates Elissa and it’s vital that people don’t think he is working with her. Nominating her was the only choice he could make. But it’s a risky move for Elissa, because honestly her supposed ally doesn’t really seem to care all that much about whether or not she gets evicted, despite what he tells her.

The plan as it stands, however, is not to evict Elissa, but rather to vote out her MVP nominee David. This is the scheme that has been going around between McCrae and his allies ever since Elissa was named MVP and agreed to nominate David as her eviction choice. The only question is whether the HouseGuests want Elissa out because she’s Rachel Reilly’s sister and lied about it (and because she’s just as bitchy as her sister) more than they want to eliminate a strong player like David.


Now that the Power of Veto Ceremony is over, who do you think will end up as the first person eliminated on Big Brother 15 for 2013?


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