Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Live Feeds Week 4 Sunday Highlights Report

Our Big Brother 15 spoilers from Sunday kicked off with McCrae’s “naughty” birthday party, which started off as a lot of fun but ended up with Amanda in tears. Meanwhile, the game play talk on the 2013 Big Brother Live Feeds continued to revolve heavily around the twist with the Most Valuable Player vote this week and what’s going to happen at the Power of Veto Ceremony on Monday.

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With the MVP power in the hands of the viewers this time around, things have gotten kind of chaotic inside the Big Brother 2013 house. Everyone is feeling very paranoid, no one is feeling totally secure with their allies, and even the strongest ‘showmance’ in the house is starting to show some cracks. Dive into our Big Brother Live Feeds week 4 Sunday highlights for all the scoop!

WARNING: The following post contains Big Brother spoilers on alliances, game play, competition results and other information that has not yet been aired on the CBS network prime time show. Please click away if you don’t want to know what’s been going on behind-the-scenes!

Big Brother 15 Live Feeds Report: Sunday, 7/21/2013

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12:00 AM BBT: It’s time for McCrae’s birthday! His showmance girlfriend Amanda has been trying on costumes, dressing up like a cowgirl and a dominatrix. She settles on wearing the dominatrix outfit to give McCrae a pretend striptease. The HouseGuests all rush in wearing bandanas to ‘surprise’ McCrae. They make him wear Judd’s crown and Amanda pulls up his shirt and grabs and rubs on him while Spencer and Howard hold up his arms so he can’t escape. They throw him on the bed for Amanda to give him birthday spankings and sing him Happy Birthday (feeds cut out because of the singing). McCrae says it was an awesome birthday gift.

12:35 AM BBT: All this fun leads to nastiness though. Before McCrae’s party, Elissa said that Amanda looks like a stripper and she would throw up if Amanda put whip cream on herself for McCrae to lick off. She also insulted the one-piece bathing suit Amanda wore as part of her dominatrix outfit, calling it is the worst thing she’s ever seen. Also, that she didn’t think any of the guys appreciated her costume. She actually insulted Amanda quite a lot, some of it directly to her face. Elissa was acting pretty drunk when she said all this. (Rewind to the last part of Saturday night around 11:30 PM on the Big Brother Live Feeds for all this goodness and see if you can catch Elissa flip off the cameras and say “f*ck you” at one point.)

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Now that the party is over, Amanda leaves to go to the bathroom and she’s really upset. Candice, Aaryn, Andy, Kaitlin and GinaMarie all come in and out trying to comfort her. Finally McCrae comes in too. Still crying a lot, Amanda says Elissa is being “so nasty” and that she just wanted to have fun and she’s sorry. McCrae says there is nothing for her to be sorry about and asks her to hug him. He says Elissa is just jealous that Amanda was getting attention. Amanda is pissed because they protected Elissa “when the whole house was against her.”

1:25 AM BBT: Kaitlin and GinaMarie are in the bathroom and again, the racist commentary crap raises its ugly heads. GinaMarie talks smack about Candice, saying that she “can’t stand that b*tch” and she doesn’t like her “fat, skanky ass.” She mocks Candice again, saying “I’m so white, I’m so black, oh my god I don’t know what to be.” Kaitlin says she is afraid Candice is going to flip and vote against her at the eviction because Amanda and Aaryn are acting so friendly with each other now. Elissa comes in and talk switches. Kaitlin says she thinks she will try to stay friends with Jeremy but probably not try to date him because he’s still immature.

1:50 AM BBT: Amanda, Andy and McCrae talk about the Veto Ceremony. The plan is to tell everyone they are going to vote against Aaryn no matter who goes up as the renomination pick, even Howard. Andy says they don’t want everyone to know Howard might be a target yet.

2:20 AM BBT: Aaryn says she cried really hard when she heard people think she is a racist and that she hasn’t cried that much since she was little. Aaryn, Spencer, Andy, Kaitlin and GM talk about how something being weird with Elissa. She says Elissa told her she knew what was going on with the twist when Julie Chen announced it. Kaitlin thinks she nominated herself for eviction and Andy agrees.

10:40 AM BBT: Candice tells Elissa that Amanda was crying because of her and that she hurt her feelings. Candice says that everyone was a little tipsy and stuff. Elissa says no, she wasn’t drunk at all. (Even though she has been pretending she is.) Candice says she doesn’t want to be part of that drama. Candice leaves, Andy comes in and Elissa says that she was not really drunk the night before. She tells Andy it was just all joking around. Elissa denies she said some of the rude comments and Andy says, well, I know you said she looked like she worked at a strip joint. Elissa denies that she said any such thing.

11:25 AM BBT: Andy tells Jessie he is fine with a plan to get out Amanda if that is how the house is leaning and she goes up for eviction as the replacement nominee.

11:30 AM BBT: While talking to Helen and Jessie, Andy says he thinks America was the MVP this week, not Elissa. (Yeah, lot of switching back and forth on that.) He says if he was watching the show and Elissa kept being MVP every week and he got the chance, he would nominate her to go up. Andy says that for every Rachel Reilly fan, there are two other people who hate her. That’s how she could potentially be MVP for three weeks in a row and then end up being chosen to go up for eviction.

Untitled-7 copy11:40 AM BBT: Still in isolation, Judd talks to the cameras about whether or not he should turn on Amanda and McCrae.

12:15 PM BBT: Candice believes that Amanda and Elissa are secretly working together. She thinks that Elissa did win MVP again and that she put herself on the block to confuse people.

1:35 PM BBT: Elissa and Amanda talk about why Amanda was so upset by Elissa during McCrae’s birthday party stuff. Amanda says that she did react a bit too dramatically. She says she is sorry that she got so upset and it was all just because of the wine they drank. (Amanda really doesn’t want Elissa pissed at her in case she still does have the MVP power.) Elissa says again that she only had one glass of wine and she was not drunk. She also denies again that she said half of the rude stuff she did about Amanda. Amanda just basically shakes it all off and says they are totally cool, no problem. But Elissa is the one acting hurt now, saying that she never says nasty things about people and she’s offended. Amanda wants to hug it out but Elissa says she feels hurt and betrayed. Amanda is like, WTF? She’s like, you were the one calling me a stripper! Elissa pretty much avoids any sort of blame for saying anything nasty about Amanda. This conversation is definitely worth a rewind on the Big Brother Live Feeds — especially after watching the whole initial drama at McCrae’s party to compare and contrast what Elissa really did say. Finally, they sort of hug it out but Elissa is not happy about it and Amanda is obviously just trying to save herself from having Elissa against her.

3:40 PM BBT: GinaMarie and Aaryn get into a tiny little catfight. GM says that she doesn’t want Aaryn to keep telling her how much Elissa hates her and she doesn’t care. Aaryn is all like, what, you getting an attitude with me?

4:05 PM BBT: The tension of being in the Big Brother 15 house this long is starting to wear on the HouseGuests, you can tell. Everyone is snippy. Aaryn and Kaitlin go at it next. Kaitlin asks Aaryn why she keeps spreading around stuff about her to the others. Aaryn says she is sick of everyone blaming her for everything that happens in th egame.

5:15 PM BBT: Judd is finally released from solitary confinement.

5:55 PM BBT: Elissa and Candice trash talk about Aaryn and Amanda.

6:25 PM BBT: Judd and Amanda talk game. He says that some of the HouseGuests have been talking about her going up as the replacement eviction nominee after Elissa uses the Power of Veto to take herself off the block.

6:40 PM BBT: Spencer tells McCrae that Amanda is in danger and that some of HouseGuests want her to go up on the block.

Untitled-8 copy7:05 PM BBT: McCrae talks to Amanda about what Spencer said and tells her that she’s making herself into a target by playing so hard and that she needs to chill. He says that Elissa plans on targeting them. Amanda would rather Kaitlin be out than Aaryn because Aaryn tells her everything.

7:10 PM BBT: Spencer is all over the place this evening. He goes after Judd, Howard and Andy with the idea of forming a new alliance. They all agree to give it thought.

7:20 PM BBT: McCrae tells Helen that he thinks Elissa wants to get him and Amanda out. Helen lies and reassures him that there is nothing to worry about.

8:00 PM BBT: Helen has to go to bed because of her punishment curfew from the Veto Competition.

8:30 PM BBT: McCrae and Amanda have their date night and he mock proposes to her with a fake wedding ring he made, asking her to be his “Big Brother wife” (flashback to around 8:55 PM BBT in the HoH room for that.) She says yes and they snog a bit. Amanda asks Elissa to be her maid of honor and a bunch of the HouseGuests are laughing and celebrating the ‘engagement’. Not GinaMarie though. She’s being a cranky b*tch. She’s says she won’t be making the wedding. She’s not pleased that McCrae won $5,000, got mock married, it’s his birthday and he gets to be in the HoH room.

9:15 PM BBT: McCrae and Judd think that GinaMarie is pissed off by the fake engagement.

9:25 PM BBT: Andy, Judd and McCrae talk game and each of them admit that Spencer and Howard have made deals with them as individuals. They all agree that they would rather see Kaitlin be evicted than Aaryn. McCrae says Amanda is on board with that as well.

10:10 PM BBT: Spencer tells GinaMarie he thinks Elissa won MVP this week and put herself up on the block to throw people off. They also talk about the possibility of Amanda going up as the replacement nominee and how many votes they might be able to get.

11:40 PM BBT: Judd tells Aaryn that she needs to be friendly with Elissa and pretend to be nice and sociable with her if she wants to get through this eviction.

Stay tuned for more Big Brother 2013 Live Feeds spoilers and highlights coming to you right here at! Or take the plunge yourself and try out a two-day free trial to see all the 24/7 uncensored action inside the house day and night.

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