Big Brother 21 Spoilers: Week 10 Eviction Predictions-Who Will Be Evicted in the Double Eviction [POLL]?

It’s the day we have all been waiting for :Big Brother 21 double eviction night! Tonight it’s a buy one get one free kind of situation as the final seven fast track to the final five. We’ll get to watch either Jessica Milagros, Christie Murphy, Jackson Michie, Cliff Hogg III, Tommy Bracco, Holly Allen, or Nicole Anthony walk out the door and into the jury house.

This is one of the most unpredictable nights of any season, so it’ll all depend on a number of factors (Head of Household winner, nomination combination, Veto, etc.). So everyone has a fairly good chance of leaving tonight, but some are more in danger than others. Let us rank who is in most to least danger of going to the jury house.

Jessica Milagros

Stranger things can and will happen in the Big Brother game, but we don’t see Jess staying in the house tonight. Nicole has been weighing her options, but ultimately, we see her voting out Jessica over Cliff, sending her out by a 4-0 vote. The more interesting scenarios happen after Jess leaves the game.

Jackson Michie

Unless Holly pulls off another Head of Household win, or he wins Veto, in most scenarios, Jackson ends up on the block and heads to the jury house. Nicole and Cliff aren’t likely to nominate him initially, but he would be the replacement nominee. and him being on the block might be too tempting of an opportunity to pass up. He’s become too much of a comp beast to not take out when he’s not in power.

Christie Murphy

Christie ends up on the block in at least three different scenarios. However, in most cases she seems like less of a threat than say Cliff, Tonmy , Jackson, and even Holly, but no one can trust her. She’s also escaped the block a few too many times, which has to look good on her Big Brother resume. Also if people can’t take out Tommy, they’ll settle on weakening him by getting out Christie.

Holly Allen

Despite playing one of the better games this season, Holly is in real danger of going out tonight. If Tommy or Christie win Head of Household, they’re putting her on the block next to Jackson. He leaves if he stays on the block, but he’s likely to win Veto. The usual double eviction Veto Competitions are usually an easy to maneuver puzzle or a jump and retrieve things competition, both things that we can see Jackson excelling in and taking the Veto. If he removes himself from the block, then Cliff or Nicole go up and Holly leaves to weaken Jackson.

Cliff Hogg III

Christie and Tommy have pointed out all week that it’ll be hard to beat Cliff in the finals. Like Jackson, tonight might be one of the few chances to get him out, especially with the next few HOH comps being more catered to his strengths, trivia and memory. If Cliff ends up on the block next to Nicole, he’s going out the door. Most likely Cliff stays over Holly, but even then there is a chance, he might go because Tommy and Holly at least had a game relationship for most of Big Brother 21, so he might factor that in when casting his vote between the two.

Tommy Bracco

Tommy is the most likely player to win Big Brother 21 at this point, but Cliff seems to be the only taking him serious as a threat. Cliff would likely nominate and target Tommy, but he has such a good relationship with everyone else, that we find it hard to see a scenario where Tommy goes home against anyone. The only chance of Tommy getting evicted is against Nicole, but the only person likely to nominate Tommy is the same person who wouldn’t nominate Nicole. There is a possibility that Holly nominates Nicole if Christie wins the Veto, but that’s really unlikely, she’d probably nominate Cliff again. In this scenario, Tommy would most likely leave, but the scenarios that actually result in a Tommy eviction are few and far between. Additionally, he’s very likely to win the Veto, since the double eviction veto competitions are also many that he could win.

Nicole Anthony

Let’s face it, it would take a lot of crazy situations to put Nicole in danger tonight, or even in danger at all. She’s likely gliding her way to the final three.

So let us know, who do you think will be leaving tonight? Vote below in our poll (select up to two) and comment!

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