Big Brother 23 Spoilers Week 9 Power of Veto Ceremony Results (09/06/21)

We have the first week where a Big Brother 23 main target will not go home. Tiffany Mitchell started the week with plans to nominate and evict Alyssa Lopez. Then the impossible happened and Alyssa won the Power of Veto. This sent Tiffany’s plans for a spin. Tiffany had the choice of whether to nominate her closest ally Claire Rehfuss or betray the Cookout. She has chosen the former.

Sunday, Tiffany decided to tell Claire that she would be nominated for eviction during the Power of Veto Ceremony. Tiffany originally wanted to expose the Cookout to Claire to explain why she had to nominate her. However, Xavier Prather refused to let Tiffany tell Claire about the alliance. Instead, Tiffany had to find a way to not expose the Cookout and let Claire know why she was going on the block.

Tiffany told Claire that she was going on the block, basically, because she agreed before the season began that she wouldn’t nominate two black people together. She said she still wanted Claire to stay over Xavier, and she thought Claire could get the votes to stay. She just needed to get Kyland Young, Hannah Chaddha, and Azah Awasum on her side. 

Claire also asked Tiffany if she had a deal with them, but Tiffany lied. Claire was understandably heartbroken but much more understanding than many others would be in that situation. There is a very little chance that Claire stays over Xavier, but she plans to fight all the way until Thursday’s double eviction.

So did Tiffany stick to her plan of nominating Claire at the Power of Veto Ceremony? Read below to find out.



Alyssa used the Veto to save herself. Tiffany nominated Claire as her replacement.

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