Big Brother Live Feeds: First Exclusive Subscribers Vote

The first Big Brother Live Feeds exclusive vote for season 16 subscribers has been revealed and… it’s a little underwhelming. We knew from Big Brother 16 pre-season teasers that the vote probably wasn’t going to be a big deal, but we were still hoping for something unique and interesting.

Big Brother Live Feeds Exclusive Vote
Big Brother Live Feeds Vote (CBS)

Instead, CBS Big Brother apparently stole the normally public vote of deciding the extra food for the Have-Nots this week and gave it into the hands of the Live Feeds viewers. While it’s cool that the fans who are the most invested in the show get to have a special little vote to play with, we were hoping it would be more than this.

Now, we don’t really want the Big Brother 2014 Live Feeds subscribers having any special power to really change up the game. We don’t even much like the whole Team America thing because we prefer the players to have all the game-making decisions, including who to make alliances with.

However, just getting to decide whether or not the Big Brother 16 cast members will be given “Vegan S’mores’ or ‘The Wurst BLT’ as their non-slop food is kind of boring. We can only hope that next time around maybe we’ll get to vote for ‘who has to clean toilets with a toothbrush’ or ‘who has to steal all the towels while Amber is in the shower’ — that would be much more fun.

So come on CBS Big Brother, give us more fun things to do with our exclusive Big Brother Live Feeds vote than just Have-Not foods! You could have left that to the regular viewing public and given us something more more fun!

About L. A. Vess 1495 Articles
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