Big Brother Power Rankings Week #11-Who is Playing the Best Game at Final Five?

Wow. What a difference a week makes, huh? Besides Jessica Milagros’ Head of Household week, I think this week’s power rankings has the biggest change from last week’s. Nicole Anthony’s Head of Household win and Cliff Hogg III’s Power of Veto win during the double eviction has really shifted the tide in the house.

Furthermore, Nicole’s Power of Veto win this week has really turned things in favor of the most unlikely duo in the house. How has the overall power structure shifted in the house as we enter the final two weeks of the game? Let’s find out.

5. Holly Allen 

It’s been an unfortunate fall from grace for Holly Allen. The worst part is that I don’t really think that she did much wrong apart from end up in a sticky situation. All I can really fault her for is being too tied up in her showmance with Jackson Michie, and the drama that comes with that, instead of her thinking about what she needs to do in this game. I’ve really thought she was the likeliest person to win Big Brother 21 for a long time, but now she’s probably the most likely to go home, and if she stays it’s likely that she’s a runner up to someone else. Nicole has really stepped it up, and Tommy Bracco is on his own. Honestly her best chance to win the game might be next to Cliff. Even then, I still don’t like her odds. But before that she needs to realize that she needs to campaign to Cliff and Nicole. She has the ammo, knowing that Tommy revealed to her and Jackson about his relationship with Christie, but I doubt she uses it unless she realizes she’s in trouble sooner than later. Cliff and Nicole could easily decide not to make the move against her, but if I were her I’d ensure that they remained loyal.

4. Tommy Bracco

Tommy is most certainly not out of the woods this week. Tommy has been working much harder than Holly, however, to get Cliff and Nicole on his side. I think the biggest strike against keeping Tommy is that he’s a stronger competitor than Holly. Also, Cliff and Nicole cannot continue calling themselves loyal or straight-up players if they make a big move against their closest allies. Tommy and Jackson aren’t together like Holly and Jackson are though. I really think there’s no right decision here for Nicole and Cliff, it’s tricky. If Tommy manages to survive I think he’s in a pretty good spot though because Michie would be the biggest threat to take out if he’s vulnerable next week. He would need to ensure that Michie doesn’t win the Power of Veto next week to ensure that he stays, but even then, strange things could happen and he’s certainly the most expendable person to them all.

3. Jackson Michie

Whether Tommy or Holly goes this week, Jackson is in the worst spot going into next week. He absolutely has to win that Power of Veto to stay in the game. The only other scenario would be if Holly were to win it, but that seems fairly unlikely as right now she’s likely the one going home this week. I think Tommy would be much more concerned with taking out Jackson than splitting up Nicole and Cliff, who are much lesser opponents in terms of competitions and potentially even chances to win the game. I’m unsure how he’ll react to Holly leaving, especially given all of the dramatics between the two of them this week. Part of me thinks he might respect the move and be relieved to see her go, but I also think he might want to seek revenge on Cliff and Nicole over his desire to get Tommy out since he’s been preaching loyalty forever. But all in all, his goose is likely cooked if he doesn’t win the final Power of Veto competition, and depending on what it is I’m not even sure that I like his chances.

2. Cliff Hogg III

Cliff has been in a good spot for a while, but his chances to make the final two have always been what held him back. I think his path is looking a little clearer since Nicole proved that she can win competitions, but now the issue is that I’m not sure if he can beat her. Cliff is highly respected by the jurors but Nicole is really well-liked by them all. Cliff has actually really played a solid game for a long time and I think people would be able to see that if he verbalizes that well and makes sure to identify himself as an underdog. The issue he runs into though is that Nicole is the ultimate underdog and there’s nobody who doesn’t like her. Still, I’m not sure his chances against anyone else are any better? It really depends how things shake out the next few weeks, and if Nicole is seen as dragging Cliff along or vise versa. He’d probably benefit from a well-timed competition win.

1. Nicole Anthony

Wow. Nicole has had a transformative week in the Big Brother 21 house, and that is an understatement. She’d been down on herself and wanting to win something for a long time. During the double eviction was probably the perfect time to do that and make a strong move. People can question whether it was the right one or not, but she still got Christie out, and this week she is pushing harder to split up the showmance. With two huge competition wins under her belt, Nicole has actually become a fairly strong threat to win this game. I’m not sure how much the houseguests realize this since she’s only won recently, but I think that recency bias may actually have a big impact with the jury. Still, many of them probably would take her to the final two because her overall perception has been one of being meek and quiet. If she manages to take Holly out, I think she’s likely everyone’s final two partner if she is able to not somehow get sniped this week. I can see why maybe this is the best move for her, but I know there’s some resistance and there’s always a chance that some information comes out that makes the decision she has to make much more difficult. We’ll see what happens.

That’s all for this week’s power rankings! Let us know what you think and vote in the poll below.

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