Big Brother Spoilers: America’s Care Package Co-HoH Winner

The Big Brother spoilers are in from the Live Feeds for the next America’s Care Package winner! This week’s gift from the fans is the prize of being ‘Co-HoH’ for the week. The person who received the package will be safe from eviction and will get to choose one of the nominees to put on the block.

Big Brother America's Care Package

WARNING: This post contains Big Brother 18 spoilers from the Live Feeds possibly including competition information or results, game play moves, alliances, showmances, etc. Please do not proceed if you do not want spoilers!

The results of the fourth round of the America’s Care Package twist were revealed this afternoon on the Big Brother Live Feeds. Just before 1:00 PM BBT on Friday, the package came floating down from the sky above the backyard. The housguests gathered around to find out who won, and what the prize would be.

Turns out the winner of the co-Head of Household America’s Care Package is… Michelle Meyer! She will be save from eviction, and get to choose one of this week’s eviction nominees. Of course, it looks like that isn’t actually going to mean anything much, since she’s likely to go along with whatever the other HoH, Natalie Negrotti, and her showmance partner James Huling have been planning anyway.

Eviction nominations spoilers are also out now, if you want to find out who was put up on the block by the new HoHs!



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