Big Brother Spoilers: Live Feeds Monday Report – 8/17/2015

Monday Morning Live Feeds – 8/17/2015

8:30 AM BBT: Vanessa is up and about and goes back to bed. A couple of other HGs get up for a few minutes and then go back to bed.

9:45 AM  AM BBT: Houseguests up and stirring about after wake up call. They chat randomly about the upcoming Veto Meeting later in the day. Steve having some trouble waking up, since he was up so late last night! James remarks the ‘old’ music this morning must have been for ‘grandma’ Meg. Various calls to the Diary Room.

11:10 AM BBT: Liz practices her Veto Ceremony speech with Julia. It’s all about how she is going to leave the nominations the same and not use the Veto because Becky and Johnny Mac are two of the strongest competition people left in the game. She ends it with saying that she believes either of them could come back from Jury because they are so strong.

11:20 AM BBT: Live Feeds go dark for the Power of Veto Ceremony.

11:55 AM BBT: Live Feeds return and we have the results. Liz, as Head of Household and Power of Veto winner, has not used the PoV. Becky and John will stay on the block as this week’s final eviction nominees.

Austin and Liz talk in the Have-Not room about what Becky said at the Veto Ceremony. Steve is also there. Austin says he doesn’t think Becky meant to, but her speech sounded like that if they didn’t save her, she would be coming after them (Liz in particular).

So if Becky gets evicted, and then comes back in the house, she would go after them, we are guessing. Which could also translate to Jury vote if she doesn’t come back, perhaps. Austin thinks Becky said it accidentally though. Hmmm, we’ll have to wait and see what all that is about on Wednesday’s show.

Steve thinks they read too much into these speeches and he says it’s bed time for him. Liz says she is not afraid of Becky. She’s bummed she messed up her speech that she practiced so much. Vanessa and Julia join them. Julia says Becky’s speech was ridiculous, but Vanessa said it’s all Becky had.

Big Brother Live Feeds August 17 (2)

Outside, Becky and Johnny Mac talk about the Veto Ceremony. Becky thinks her speech was good and Johnny agrees. Becky says Austin is the head of the snake and he and Liz don’t like her. She says that she tried to get them to go after Vanessa but failed.

Big Brother Live Feeds August 17 (1)

Johnny Mac says if he had won HoH, he would have backdoored Vanessa. But that could have put him in a bad place making enemies. Becky is pissed that everyone seemed on board with getting Vanessa out last week and then everything changed and Shelli got evicted. Now, one week later, here she is about to go out.

>> Flip to the next page for more in our Monday Live Feeds spoilers report!

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