Big Brother Spoilers: Power of Veto Meeting Results 8/12/2015

The Power of Veto Meeting results on Monday have been the catalyst for a whole lot of drama, and some serious crazy going on in the house! Now is a great time to hop on those Big Brother Live Feeds if you haven’t already, because the sh*t is totally hitting the proverbial fan!

Becky on Big Brother Live Feeds (CBS)

If you haven’t already seen the Big Brother spoilers for the Power of Veto Competition, go ahead and catch up on those now. That’s where the real plan for who will be evicted on Big Brother this week really kicked into high gear. Now we get to see it all come to fruition with the Power of Veto meeting results.

WARNING: This post contains Big Brother spoilers from the Live Feeds. Please do not proceed if you do not want spoilers!

Since she blasted through the Head of Household Competition on Thursday, Becky has suddenly gone into super game mode. As soon as she had hands on the reins of power, Becky went from ‘basic’ to ‘bombshell’ in the Big Brother game. Recognizing Vanessa for the deeply manipulative player she is, Becky wants Vanessa out — no matter what she has to do to make it happen.

All week long, Becky has been working to make sure it is Vanessa who goes out the door on Thursday. This includes lying endlessly (and quite spectacularly) directly to Vanessa’s face about her eviction plan this week. The two of them were part of an eight person ‘deal’ last week to get Clay out followed by Shelli this week. Becky continues to tell Vanessa this is the plan, despite working with most of the rest of the house to evict Vanessa instead.

Although the first hope was to backdoor Vanessa, she actually ended up being chosen for the Power of Veto Competition. So technically if she goes home this week, Vanessa won’t be a backdoor, but she could still be a blindside.

That’s because Becky has been pulling the wool over Vanessa’s eyes big time. Even though Vanessa was initially pretty suspicious that she could end up a target this week, Becky has reassured her constantly that she’s still with the plan to evict Shelli. So at the time of the Power of Veto Meeting, Vanessa was feeling relatively confident that Becky was going to put Johnny Mac up as the Replacement Nominee. If that happened, then Shelli would be the big target.

However, the actual plan was for Becky to put up Vanessa as the Replacement nominee against Shelli. And that’s exactly what happened! Everything looked totally lined up for Vanessa to be getting the first boot in the Double Eviction on Thursday… but wait!

What’s this about a possible vote flip? You’ll want to catch up on what’s been going on SINCE the Veto Meeting, because all kinds of hell has been breaking loose inside the Big Brother 17 house!

Be sure to catch us on Twitter for the latest Live Feeds updates!

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