Big Brother Spoilers: Week 5 Power of Veto & Final Nominations!

Who won Power of Veto on Big Brother tonight and will decide whether or not this week’s eviction nominations remain the same? We have the spoilers from Wednesday night’s PoV show and based on the results, we’re pretty sure who is most likely to be getting the boot on Thursday!


WARNING: This post contains Big Brother spoilers, possibly including competition information or results, game play moves, alliances, showmances, etc. Please do not proceed if you do not want spoilers!

The houseguests competing for the Power of Veto Competition this week were James as Head of Household, Frank and Bridgette as eviction nominees, and Da’Vonne, Nicole, and Michelle as the extra players drawn to play. This basically left Frank and Bridgette with no allies competing on their side at all.


This week’s Power of Veto Competition was the infamous and classic OTEV competition. In the end, the challenge came down to Michelle, Frank, and Bridgette. Thankfully for Frank’s enemies, however, Michelle managed to pull out the win.

For superfan Michelle, winning the OTEV competition was a huge thrill, and she based on the congrats of her allies and the other houseguests aligned against Frank and Bridgette. Once we learned that Michelle was the player who won the Power of Veto on Big Brother, it was obvious there would be no change to the eviction nominations.


So that will leave us with Frank and Bridgette on the block for Thursday night’s Live Eviction show. With the votes as they stand now, it seems almost certain Frank will be the one going out. However, because of the Secret Room twist, there is still a chance he might not be gone for good!


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