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Big Brother

Big Brother 2013: Judd Daughtery Big Brother 15 Cast Spotlight

Big Brother 2013 HouseGuest Judd Daughtery is a “normal, small town guy from the South” and he has an annoying habit of talking to the camera instead of the person interviewing him. We suspect he might be one of the Big Brother 15 cast members who give inane monologues to the Big Brother Live Feeds cameras in the morning when the rest of the hamsters are still sleeping… […]

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Big Brother

Big Brother 2013: Jessie Kowalski Big Brother 15 Cast Spotlight

Big Brother 15 cast certainly has plenty of Texas representation this year. Jessie Kowalski is another Texas born and raised HouseGuest for the 2013 season. She’s currently unemployed after losing her job, but we suspect a “I wanted to be a model or beauty pageant winner” past. We might just be biased though because so many female Big Brother players are rejects from ModelMayhem. […]

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Big Brother

Big Brother 2013: Howard Overby Big Brother 15 Cast Spotlight

Big Brother 2013 HouseGuest Howard Overby is a youth and family advocate/counselor, a very noble profession in our opinion. He’s quite the soft spoken guy despite his athletic kind of tough guy build. He thinks the Big Brother 15 casting crew picked him because of his “realness” and because he is not fake at all — but you never quite know what he is thinking, so he’s also hard to predict. Normally that kind of “I’m so real” speech puts us off, but from him, we kind of believe it. We’ll see what happens when the cameras go on! He could quickly evolve into being insufferable. […]

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Big Brother

Big Brother 2013: Helen Kim Big Brother 15 Cast Spotlight

Big Brother 15 cast member Helen Kim is one of the few ‘not single’ HouseGuests for 2013. This married mom and political consultant is so hardcore going in, she’s even willing to shave her head if she has to in order to win a Big Brother 2013 cast competition. We sort of like her, despite her tendency to never look in the same direction for more than two seconds and shake her head around like a bobble-head doll. […]