Who Was Evicted on Big Brother 17 Tonight? 9/3/2015

Power of Veto Competition:

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Everyone but Vanessa will play in this PoV. The Houseguests have to roll balls around a curved board into slots with points. The Houseguest with the most points wins.

  • Steve: 0 points
  • John: 0 points (likely this means noms will stay the same)
  • Austin: 15 points
  • Liz: 15 points
  • Julia: 17 points
  • James: 0 points

Julia finally wins a competition and she has the Power of Veto. So now the twins have complete power. We would love them to pull a total crazy move and backdoor Vanessa, but we doubt it is going to happen. Most likely it will be James if Vanessa gets her way. Then again, the twins really hate Johnny Mac.

Power of Veto Ceremony:

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James and John do their Veto Ceremony speeches, asking for the Veto to be used. Julia announces that she is not going to use the Power of Veto and will leave the nominations the same. She says she wants to honor her sister’s choices and she doesn’t want to get any blood on her hands. Well, there goes the awesome opportunity to backdoor Vanessa. Instead, we expect James will go out the door, even if the twins do despise Johnny Mac. Because that’s what Austin and Vanessa want. Also, Steve won’t vote to keep James either.

Live Eviction Two

James and John give their pleas to stay, which is kind of redundant after they just did this for the PoV. James pulls out his daughter card, Johnny Mac says it would be really cool to stay and he doesn’t have anything funny to say this time.

  • Austin votes to evict James (for Jace)
  • Julia votes to evict James
  • Vanessa votes to evict James
  • Steve votes to evict James

James has been evicted and will go to the Jury house and join Meg. James gets very loud, awesome cheers. Vanessa immediately all crying and acting stressy. Liz cries and Austin comforts her.

James says he feels like the whole house ganged up together, even Steve, which he found out at the last minute. Julie says James made a big move with putting up Clay and Shelli, but when he wasn’t HoH he just kind of kicked back. James says he saw the aggressive players getting picked off one by one, so he didn’t want to be that. James says he has been trying with Meg for 75 days and if he hasn’t gotten anywhere yet, it’s time to throw in the towel.

And that’s a wrap.

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