Who Won Head of Household on Big Brother Tonight? 8/13/2015

We have a Double Eviction on Big Brother 17 tonight, and that means two new Heads of Household in one swoop! The first competition took place live on the show, and the new HoH quickly had to pick nominees for the second live eviction of the evening.

Big Brother Head of Household Competition

The second HoH Competition will take place after the show goes off the air, and we’ll be standing by to bring you the winning results from the Big Brother Live Feeds. Buckle up and let’s get this race going with TWO evictions in just one night on Big Brother 2015!

WARNING: This post contains Big Brother spoilers from the Live Feeds and CBS show. Please do notproceed if you do not want spoilers!

We will be bringing you all the results from both Heads of Household Competitions live as they happen. So please stay tuned right here for the results as soon as they are in!

Head of Household Competitions

Earlier today, the Houseguests were given video loops of themselves on the Memory Wall to memorize for the first Head of Household Competition tonight. The comp is called “Getting Loopy” and they have to answer true or false statements based on the video loops.

Big Brother 17 Double Eviction (1)

Head of Household Competition 1

  • Round 1: False – all are right
  • Round 2: False – James, Meg, Jackie, & Liz are out
  • Round 3: False – all are right
  • Round 4: False – Julia & Vanessa are out
  • Round 5: True – all are right
  • Round 6: True – Steve wins, Austin & John are out

Steve is the new HoH! He immediately has to nominate two Houseguests and he chooses… Jackie and Meg? What? No Becky? He HATES Becky!

We rush onward to the Power of Veto Competition and it’s Steve, Meg and Jackie, plus Vanessa, Johnny Mac, and James as the players. It’s super fast and believe it or not, Johnny Mac wins it yet again!

At the Veto Ceremony, Johnny Mac says he doesn’t know who the Replacement Nominee would be, so he isn’t going to use the Veto.

Moving right along, we have the next live eviction and wham, bam, no thank you mam, it’s Jackie out the door with only Becky voting to keep her.

Unfortunately, we did not actually get to see the second HoH Comp on the Live Feeds. We will have to wait until Sunday for that. But we did get the spoilers on who won!

Head of Household Competition 2

Believe it or not, and we had a hard time believing it, LIZ won the second Head of Household Competition! So that pretty much means Julia is safe for the week, and probably Austin and Vanessa as well. Target is likely to be Johnny Mac, Becky, or James.

Vanessa is going to push Becky hardcore, but we think Austin is going to want Johnny Mac… So who will Liz go after? Hmmm… No matter what, it’s a bad night for the Goblins.

Be sure to catch us on Twitter for the latest Live Feeds updates!

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About L. A. Vess 1495 Articles
Professional editor, writer, SEO specialist and web content manager with over 20 years experience in both print and online media. Visit L. A. Vess at Google+ and LinkedIn.