The Big Brother 13 cast of houseguests was announced this morning and it is definately a deviation from previous seasons! Only eight new Big Brother 2011 cast members were revealed. Six more houseguests will be chosen from seasons past to join the cast and shake things up big time. And you can vote to tell CBS who you think should be returning!

For your new contestants this season, we have:
A 39 year-old Music Inventory Manager from Hoboken, NJ
A 26 year-old model from Nashville, TN. There’s always a model isn’t there?
Dominic Briones: A 25 year-old college student from San Mateo, CA.
A 30-year old writer from Los Angels, CA.
A 32 year-old Human Resources Manager from Boilingbrook, IL.
A 29-year old Legal File Clerk from Inglewood, CA.
A VIP Cocktail Waitress from Miami, FL.
A 41-year old Outdoors Industry Executive from Prairieville, LA.
Now, these new Big Brother 13 cast faces ill make up only a little more than half of the players this season, according to the announcement from CBS. The Big Brother 2011 houseguests will also include’Former Duos’ from previous seasons. The best part of this Big Brother 13 twist? You get to tell the Big Brother powers-that-be which three pairs of cast members you think should be returning! You can head on over to CBS to vote for your favorite choices from:
- Brendon Villegas and Rachel Reilly— Big Brother 12
- “Dr. Will” Kirby and Mike “Boogie” Malin — Big Brother 2
- Jesse Godderz and Natalie Martinez — Big Brother 11
- Richard Louis “Evel Dick” Donato and Daniele Donato — Big Brother 8
- Jeff Schroeder and Jordan Lloyd — Big Brother 11
- Hayden Moss and Enzo Palumbo — Big Brother 12
Even though there are two duos in the running from the Big Brother 12 cast, we’re rather hoping that neither will be chosen. Honestly we just don’t want to listen to Rachel’s whining and bitching again — please! And Hayden and Enzo, well, they just aren’t that exciting.
We are pretty confident Jeff and Jordan will get through as they are already in the lead with half the votes. I’d also love to see Evel Dick and Daniele Donato get through. As for the third slot, I am just hoping against hope that Brenchel does not make its way back into the Big Brother house… oh please, please, please no!
* MORE: Check out the official Big Brother 13 cast announcement and intro houseguest videos here!