The Big Brother spoilers are in for Kathy Griffin‘s #BBTakeover! Who won the “Last Laugh” that Kathy mentioned would nullify three votes for the second eviction of Big Brother 17? Read on to find out!

WARNING: This post contains Big Brother spoilers from the Live Feeds that have not yet aired on the CBS show. Please do not proceed if you do not want spoilers!
We are still without official confirmation but context clues seem to indicate who has won the Last Laugh! Shortly after the feeds came back, Shelli and Vanessa were going over who had which number. Shelli showed on the Memory Wall what numbers everyone got, and the order was as follows according to what she was able to recall:
1. Meg
2. Jason
3. Liz
4. John
5. Vanessa
6. Jeff
7. Da’Vonne
8. Austin
9. Jackie
10. James
11. Audrey
12. Shelli
13. Becky
14. Steve
15. Clay
This leaves Da’Vonne as lucky number seven and the recipient of the Last Laugh! This coupled with her asking Vanessa for a sympathy vote, seems to indicate that she’s won the power. Of course, Shelli’s memory could be faulty and Da’Vonne’s campaigning could be a coincidence but based on what has transpired, it seems to indicate that Da’Vonne has the power to nullify three votes.
This would mean Da’Vonne only needs five votes to stay, and with Jason as a pocket vote, she will likely only need to find four. Plus, she is onto the Twin Twist, and could potentially use that to her advantage for a vote from Liz/Julia. Perhaps Meg is less of a slam dunk for a pawn as Shelli thought!
This story is still developing, so make sure you catch us on Twitter for the latest Live Feeds updates!
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