Big Brother Team America learned of their new secret mission late last night on the Live Feeds. It wasn’t long before Frankie, Donny, and Derrick were at odds over how to complete the task, or even if they should. This week’s mission is the toughest yet and could potentially cause serious problems for their game if not handled perfectly.

For this week’s Big Brother Team America secret mission, viewers got to choose between having them “vote against the majority of the house and then publicly accuse two people during the eviction fallout” or “get two members of Team America to become Heads of Household by winning it and/or convincing others to throw it.”
Viewers decided to go for what we think is the more controversial option of having two members of Team America vote against the house. Since Frankie can’t vote this week as Head of Household, that means that Donny and Derrick would have to be the ones to vote to keep Amber. But in order to fulfill the mission completely, all three of them have to be involved in blaming other Houseguests for the vote post-eviction.
After Team America learned of their new mission last night, they almost immediately started arguing over it. If you rewind back to just after 1:25 AM on 7/31, you’ll see the start of the long back and forth between Frankie, Derrick, and Donny.
Frankie talks to Derrick in the HoH room and immediately thinks it would be a good idea to blame Zach for one of the votes, because why not blame everything on Zach, right? Derrick goes and wakes up Donny downstairs to talk about the mission. Donny thinks they should just turn down the task completely because it is too dangerous to their games. Donny says he came into the Big Brother 2014 house to play his own game, not America’s.
All three of them finally gather in the HoH room around 2:10 AM, which does not make Donny happy because he thinks it looks suspicious. Frankie wants another $5,000 in his pocket and he isn’t happy about Donny not wanting to participate. Derrick says he doesn’t care about the money, he is just worried they would piss the viewers off by not doing the mission. Donny says if the other two decide they are going to do it, he will join in, but he is obviously not happy and says it is too risky.
Shortly after 3:55 AM, Frankie and Derrick talk again about the mission and Frankie is pissed at Donny for wanting to decline the secret mission. He thinks they should just not do it, get Donny out of the house as quickly as possible, and then they can do the missions with just the two of them. (Or CBS will give them another Team America member and that will screw with them.)
We’ll have to wait and see how it all shakes out and whether or not Team America will give up this mission or put their games at risk to complete. Regardless of what happens though, the alliance is now limping along with Frankie trying to take control and Donny on the outs with Derrick caught in between.
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