Who Was Evicted On Big Brother 26 Tonight? (8/8/24)
Tonight’s episode of Big Brother 26 will go down in the history books. In the last episode, Tucker wins the golden Power of Veto, and everyone expects him to save himself, but he does not. […]
Tonight’s episode of Big Brother 26 will go down in the history books. In the last episode, Tucker wins the golden Power of Veto, and everyone expects him to save himself, but he does not. […]
It has been quite a messy Big Brother 26, and we love it for that reason. This week, Cedric became the Head of Household. He wanted an easy and boring week with volunteer pawns. However, […]
Lisa Weintraub was blindsided at the last live eviction, and she was the second houseguest sent home from the Big Brother 26 house. Angela Murray caused more chaos last week in the house, and although […]
Big Brother 26 has been having a major change of pace with women holding the power in three out of four major competitions. Often, men dominate the Big Brother competitions. This season is different. With […]
Chelsie Bahaur is the Head of Household in the second week of Big Brother 26. Her original block nominations this week were Kenney Kelley, Lisa Weintraub, and Angela Murray. Kenney won the golden Power of […]
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