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Big Brother

Who Got Evicted on Big Brother 15 Last Night? July 25, 2013

Who was evicted on Big Brother 15 tonight in week 4? The official results are finally in but we pretty much already knew who would go home on Big Brother 15 this week way before the votes were counted. Going into the CBS live eviction show last night, the outcome was pretty much already a given thanks to Big Brother 2013 spoilers from the Live Feeds. […]

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Big Brother

Big Brother 15 Spoilers: Who Won Head of Household For Week 4? July 25, 2013

Wondering who won Head of Household on Big Brother 15 this week and don’t want to wait until you can watch all the action yourself? No worries, we have the Big Brother 2013 spoilers for you on the new HoH winner for week 5 right here! We love Thursday nights even more for finding out who won the Head of Household Competition than for the eviction results. By the time the CBS show rolls around, we pretty much already know who is going to go home based on spoilers from the Live Feeds. But the HoH challenge is always a surprise! […]

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Big Brother

Who Got Voted Off Big Brother Last Night? July 25, 2013

Dying to know who got voted off Big Brother 15 tonight and just can’t wait to watch the episode and find out? Well, we suppose we might be able to help you with that if you just need those Big Brother 2013 spoilers right now! Of course, if you’ve been watching the Live Feeds, you’ve probably already guessed who went home on Big Brother tonight. But if you have only been watching the CBS primetime show, you might just be in for a surprise! […]

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Big Brother

Big Brother 15 Spoilers: Live Feeds Thursday Pre-Eviction Report — July 25, 2013

We have last Big Brother 15 spoilers from the Live Feeds until after the live eviction show on CBS tonight! The big question, of course, is whether or not the HouseGuests decided to pull a final hour vote flip before the big event. We’ve already made our prediction about who will go home on Big Brother 2013 tonight, so it’s too late to change our minds. But these hamsters just love to screw with us at the last minute! […]

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Big Brother

Big Brother 15 Eviction Prediction: Who Goes Home in Week 4?

We’ve finally decided to place our bet and make our Big Brother 15 eviction prediction for Thursday night. If you’d asked us on Friday who will go home on Big Brother this week, we would have given you a totally different name. Things change swiftly inside the house though and the Big Brother 2013 cast members seem especially fond of flipping their votes at the drop of a hat. […]