!SPOILER ALERT! – Big Brother 13 Week 6 Veto Ceremony Results
This week’s Big Brother 13 Power of Veto ceremony had a lot of suspense hanging around it. Would Daniele take a deal from her enemies or stick to her plans and send one of the […]
This week’s Big Brother 13 Power of Veto ceremony had a lot of suspense hanging around it. Would Daniele take a deal from her enemies or stick to her plans and send one of the […]
This week’s Big Brother 13 Power of Veto competition was vital to the current Head of Household to keep their plans for the eviction nominations in place. For those up on the block, it was even more important as either of them could possibly end up pawns sacrificed by the players in power. […]
Last night in the Big Brother 13 house was just a whole lot of crazy. First we had an eviction that just left us shaking our heads in mass confusion. Then we had a nutsy new twist to the game that has shaken up the whole house. To top it all off, we had a Head of Household competition who is absolutely certain to cause extreme drama in the house this week. Isn’t it grand? […]
The results of the Big Brother 13 Veto Ceremony for week five are in. Want to know who won that precious veto and if they used it to take someone off the block and disrupt the plans of Head of Household Kalia and her veteran ally Daniele? […]
Last night on the Big Brother live feeds, Head of Household Kalia was called into the Diary Room and told they would be picking out the Veto players any minute. Turns out the Big Brother 13 week 5 Veto Competition didn’t actually happen until this morning. Such teases they are! […]
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