Big Brother All-Stars fans have been waiting all season for the Committee alliance to implode, and the allies to start taking shots at one another. That time has finally come! Week nine Head of Household, Cody Calafiore, has nominated two very strong competitors to the block for eviction this week, Christmas Abbott and Tyler Crispen.
When Cody won the Power of Veto this week, he set in stone that one of the two Big Brother legends would be handed a ticket to the jury house tonight. Both made a grave mistake during the triple eviction event last week when they tried to unsuccessfully flip the vote on Nicole Franzel. Now, their own allies are having a hard time trusting them in the game. With only six houseguests remaining, trust is a critical component to making to the end.
Week Nine Last Minute Wheelings & Dealings
Everyone is irritated in the house by Christmas’ happiness. She doesn’t seem worried about being evicted this week. Memphis wants to keep Christmas because she is in one of his 3-person Wise Guys alliances. Both Wise Guys alliances are with Enzo Palumbo, but one is with Christmas as the third ally while Cody is the other third ally in the second Wise Guys alliance. Confusing…yes.
Enzo is going back to Cody and telling him everything Memphis is telling him as part of their alliance. Memphis told Cody he wants to target Christmas next week while he told Enzo that he wanted to target Nicole. Of course, he was lying to Cody because of his alliance with Christmas. With all of this information, Cody is considering blowing up Memphis’ game by evicting Christmas this week over Tyler.
On the other side of things, Memphis told Tyler that he was leaning towards evicting him this week because he is such a threat to his game. Memphis is absolutely voting to evict Tyler this week over his ally, Christmas.
Cody is also leaning towards evicting Tyler, but he doesn’t want Tyler to know that quite yet. So, he is telling Tyler what he needs to hear to stay comfortable. Will the debacle with Memphis and Christmas change Cody’s mind?
Week Nine Jury House Update
Ian Terry welcomes Da’Vonne Rogers into the jury house with him, and they catch up on some tea. They both revealed their alliances in the house to each other. They both agree that Dani Donato has her hand in everything and is playing the best Big Brother game right now.
Kevin Campbell is the next Big Brother legend to join the jury house. Kevin brought his own tea with him with the clue from Dr. Will Kirby about thinking three steps ahead. David Alexander joins the group next, and collectively they realize the clue from Dr. Will leads to the first-ever triple eviction in the Big Brother house.
Dani totally shocks the jury members when she walked through the door. Dani brought with her a tape showing the jury members what they were missing inside the Big Brother house. Dani shared with the jury that she felt more betrayed than she has ever felt before in Big Brother. Dani feels like Cody is playing the best game in the house, even though that is the player that betrayed her the most.
Week Nine Live Eviction Vote
Enzo Voted to Evict Tyler
Nicole Voted to Evict Tyler
Memphis Voted to Evict Tyler
With a unanimous vote of 3-0, Tyler was evicted from the Big Brother house. During his exit interview with host Julie Chen Moonves, Tyler felt as though they made the right decision by evicting him tonight. He as planning on going after Cody and Enzo given the opportunity. Tyler thinks Nicole is Cody’s number one and wants to take her to the end.
Julie asked why he tried to flip the vote on Nicole. He admitted that it was a last-minute decision, and he knew Cody and Nicole were tight and one of them needed to go. They weren’t able to finish their conversation with Enzo to convince him to flip the vote with him and Christmas.
Week Ten Head of Household Competition
This Head of Household competition is called Stashing Pumpkins. The houseguests must transfer pumpkins across a teeter-tooter to a basket on the other end. if any of the pumpkins fall or the houseguests falls off the teeter-tooter, they must return all of the pumpkins to their original location and start over. The first houseguest to transfer all of their pumpkins to their basket and ring in wins the HOH competition.
Join us on Monday, October 12th at 8 PM EST/ 7 PM CST for the results of this HOH competition.
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