Before Big Brother 18 even started, 50-year-old Houseguest Glenn Garcia was already getting ripped up on social media. Just like fans uncovered years-old gay slurs on Corey Brooks‘ Twitter, obsessed BB18 fans scoured through Glenn’s account to dig up any dirt they could find on him. While they didn’t uncover anything quite like Corey’s homophobic comments, they did discover that Glenn is a rabid Donald Trump supporter, and thinks anyone who isn’t is a total idiot.
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Back home in Bronx, NY, Glenn Garcia currently works as a dog groomer, but was previously a New York City police detective, according to his CBS profile. He is seriously proud of being from the Bronx and talks about it constantly on social media. The only other topic he seems to talk about more is his adorable 9-year-old daughter, who apparently suffers from Type 1 Diabetes. She’s obviously the love of his life, although he said in his CBS Live Feeds interview that he also has a fiance. Even so, he’s not past doing a little ‘flirting’ in the house if it will help his game.
Official CBS Big Brother 18 Photos
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Glenn says the hardest part of going on Big Brother 18 is not being with his family and wondering if they are okay. As for his thoughts about previous winners of the game, Glenn says floaters are the absolute worst, and then proceeded to call both Ian Terry and Steve Moses people who floated through the whole game to win. We think maybe Glenn might be a little clueless about how Big Brother really works if he thinks Ian and Steve were just ‘floaters’ through their whole seasons.
We don’t care what the political views are of any Big Brother 18 cast member, but apparently quite a few fans out there do. We do object, however, to labelling anyone who disagrees with your political views and their chosen candidates “idiots”, repeatedly.

Glenn at some point had an Instagram account as well, but it seems to have been deleted. We’d love to know what was on it though, considering some of the captions he appears to have put on some of the photos, which also went out on his Twitter feed. Let’s just say some of them are, well, lewd, weird, and full of a whole lot of foul language. Also, he apparently truly detests the Dallas Cowboys football team as much as he does non-Donald Trump supporters.
Based on his Twitter feed, we can easily see this guy getting in serious trouble with his mouth, and prompting some major fights, if he doesn’t get thrown out of the house early on. In fact, Glenn readily admits he will probably get himself into trouble because of his inability to censor himself.

Lastly, we found one random video of Glenn on YouTube that we still have no idea what the heck it means, but we’ll share it with you anyway.
Glenn Garcia Photo Gallery (Sources: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)
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More on Big Brother 18 Cast Member Jozea Flores on
>> Big Brother 18 Cast: Glenn Garcia – The Attitude
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