Big Brother 18 cast member Tiffany Rousso comes into the house under a very large shadow. As the sister of former Big Brother 17 Houseguest Vanessa Rousso. While professional poker player Vanessa certainly proved to be a very strong game player, she also ended up labelled as a manipulative villain strongly disliked by many fans. Tiffany’s relationship to Vanessa could well end up being her achilles heel in the Big Brother 2016 house.
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Tiffany Rousso, as she is going by on BB18, unfortunately shares her name with some kind of adult film star, so it was a little difficult to dig up background info on her while trying desperately to avoid clicking on the wrong kind of sites by accident. No, as far as we can tell, THIS Tiffany Rousso does not make adult videos. CBS may overlook a lot of past transgressions when they cast their Houseguests, but we doubt they’d let an actual XXX actor into the house.
Official CBS Big Brother 18 Photos
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According to her first Houseguest interview with CBS on the Big Brother Live Feeds, Tiffany does not intend to disclose her relationship to Vanessa, but will confess it if she’s asked about it. Just like her sister, Tiffany would much rather win and be hated, than lose and be loved. Unlike her, however, Tiffany hopes to be much less emotional during her time on the show.
Back home in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, 32-year-old Tiffany Rousso leads a far less glamorous life than her sister Vanessa Rousso. Although she did once participate in “Sequester Access“, an online reality game show series, which just might have been good experience for her going into Big Brother 18. You can check out Tiffany defending one of her big game moves from the series in the video below.
Tiffany lists her occupation on her CBS profile as a high school teacher, who enjoys painting and playing guitar in her free time. Her online resume shows that she graduated from Syracuse University in 2006 with a major in Psychology and a minor in Philosophy, and that she also has experience as a guidance counselor. Back in 2015, she posted that she was also launching an SAT prep business for students studying for the college entrance exam.

Tiffany actually doesn’t have a half bad singing voice either, at least from what we could tell in this short video clip from Facebook.
According to, Tiffany Alexis Rousso was born on April 19, 1984 and is registered with the Florida Democratic Party. That should possibly lead to some interesting political discussions on the Live Feeds, since we know at least one Houseguest (Glenn) is a rabid Donald Trump supporter.
From her Facebook page, we learned that Tiffany is apparently very fond of selfies, because she has an absolute ton of them in her photos. She also seems to have a poetic side, if the poem below from her feed is any indication. Not sure if she actually penned the poem or not, but we couldn’t find any record of it online by anyone else.

Tiffany overall seems to have led a much quieter life than her sister Vanessa, despite being model gorgeous. She does have a very cute golden retriever named Coda. So, she’s got that going for her.

Tiffany Rousso Photo Gallery (Sources: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)
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More on Big Brother 18 cast member Tiffany Rousso at
>> Big Brother 18 Cast: Tiffany Rousso – The Manipulator
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