Big Brother 2014 cast member Joey Van Pelt has dug herself into a hole inside the BB16 house and she’ll do anything to escape it. She knows that if she doesn’t turn things around, she could very well be headed out the door very soon. Which is why, we guess, she thought it would be a wise idea to spill the beans about the whole Team America secret vote twist in order to hopefully gain an ally.

Blue-haired activist Joey seemed to be in a good place at first going into Big Brother 16. She immediately clicked with strong social player Frankie Grande, and he quickly ended up as the first Head of Household of the season. Plus, she ended up in an early all-girls alliance with Paola, Nicole, and Amber that could have really ended up helping her out.
WARNING: This post contains Big Brother spoilers that have not yet aired on the CBS show. Proceed at your own risk.
Then Joey won the Team America vote to become the first person in a secret alliance partially controlled by the viewers. She was thrilled when she found out, especially since it gives her the potential to earn quite a lot of cash. So it seemed Joey was coming out of the gate strong.
Unfortunately, Joey ended up screwing herself over royally. First the all-girls alliance El Cuatro tanked, and Joey made a “dipsh*t move” in outing it. Then, on Saturday, Joey declared to Devin that she she had cracked the ‘Big Brother Code’ and knows how to master the game. And things just got weird from there.
After being told by Caleb she was going to go up as a renom because that is what the house wanted (although really he had little choice because of The Bomb Squad alliance), Joey went full-tilt wacky. She called a brief House Meeting and announced to everyone that Caleb was polling the house to decide who to put up as the renom. And that they should make sure they tell him who they really want so it will be fair.
Later in the evening, Joey basically confronts Devin and tells him that he is her target and she wants him to end up as the renom and get evicted. Devin then goes around telling everyone what Joey said and the HGs think it is hysterical. Although he kind of lies and says Joey told him the house wanted him out, not just that she did.
Absolutely desperate at this point, Joey finally decides to pull out the big guns on Monday. While campaigning to save herself from eviction after being put up as the renom, Joey reveals to Hayden that she has a special ‘something that could make her very valuable. Here’s the conversation:
Joey: I have something… that if I’m able to stay, I can really help people out.
Hayden: What?
Joey: I can’t say what it is. (Technically, she can, but she’s not telling.) … If I say, I won’t, I won’t be able to do it.
Hayden: I don’t really get that.
Joey: Alright, so I’m promising you right now, I will fight for you in this house if I stay here. I will keep your ass safe for 3 weeks if you keep me in here. I’m a better competitor than [Paola]. I can win [comps].
Hayden: Uh huh.
Joey: I was voted America’s… *whispers* America’s Favorite. *nods and smiles real big*
Hayden: What does that do though? Like what’s your? What do you get to do with that? Do you know?
Joey: *nods* That’s the thing. This stays between you and I. You promise? You have to f***ing promise!
Hayden: Yeah, absolutely. If you don’t want to, you don’t have to say. Either way I won’t say anything. Just marinate on it.
Joey: If I don’t stay though, I can’t, I can’t win it and I can’t share it. It literally starts after this Thursday. (Based on details from the show it’d be a week from this Thursday, but good idea to move it up.) So I really need to stay in the house. But that’s something I have that I can offer to people.
Joey did not exactly reveal all the details of the Team America twist, or the secret alliance of three voted in by the viewers, but she certainly did come close. Now Hayden knows America is voting for some sort of secret power in the house, even if he isn’t sure exactly what it is. If, of course, he actually believes her and doesn’t just think it is just a lie from Joey trying to save herself.