The Big Brother 17 house tour with Julie Chen has been released on Canada’s version of Entertainment Tonight, and we have the video and photos!

“Surf’s up in the Big Brother house season 17,” according to host Julie Chen. This year’s Big Brother 17 decor is “a fun summer beach house,” Chen says in her introduction to the Entertainment Tonight Canada house tour video. “We want the Houseguests to have fun while they are trying to kill each other for a half million dollars.”
The house features a “huge, steel wave” dominating the main living space, and coastal-themed rooms such as the “Beach” room lounge, the Coral & Driftwood bedroom, and the Vegas Under the Sea bedroom. There is also a ‘Nerd Alert’ Comic Book bedroom. One of these three, of course, will transform into the Have Not room later on.
* Click the thumbnails for bigger pics or to scroll through.
There is also a newly expanded second floor with a sky bridge overlooking the main space downstairs. The “plexiglass bridge is now a new lounge,” Julie Chen says. “It’s all about transparency in the Big Brother house this season.” Strolling across the glass sky bridge, the Big Brother 17 host says that “the girls should not wear a skirt if you’re standing here. Just a tip.”
In the Head of Household room, the plexiglass floor over images of clouds once again represents the “theme of transparency,” Chen says. “Clouds down below, because everything is up in the air in the Big Brother house.”
This year, there are “more cameras than ever.” Eighty of them, to be exact, “many of them pointed right at the bed,” Julie Chen jokes. Speaking of a like of privacy, the HoH bathroom has a distinctive lack of it this year. Production has taken away the door!
As for the rest of the house, the beachy theme continues throughout, with tons of details and redesigns from the backyard to the paintings on the walls. We can’t wait to see every inch, including the Have Not room and the ‘bonus’ room attached to the HoH bedroom. Pandora’s Box this year, we hope?
Now that we’ve had a sneak peek of the house, what about the game-play this season? Big Brother 17 host Julie Chen says “we have to keep them on their toes so that no one can walk in and say ‘I’ve watched every season, I have mastered how to win this game.’ No you haven’t, no one has.”
And there you have it! Be sure to visit us again soon when we bring you the Big Brother 2015 house tour video coming up soon! Plus, don’t forget to get your Live Feeds subscription right now so you can watch the Big Brother 17 cast reveal live on Tuesday.
>> Check out even MORE Big Brother 17 house photos over here!