Nicole Franzel is the last woman standing on Big Brother 2016. Last week, she beat Corey Brooks to take the final spot in the Big Brother 18 final three.

Fans have had mixed reactions to Nicole’s game. Some feel she didn’t do much to deserve to make it to the finale. Others say Nicole played hard, then laid low, and then played hard again. Some just didn’t respect her ruthless-ish Big Brother 18 game.
They didn’t support her rat and snake game style. In the end, fans’opinions of Nicole don’t matter. What matters is the jury’s opinion of her, which we won’t get a full picture of until Wednesday night’s finale.
Nicole making the finals could lead to a few Big Brother firsts. She will become the first female Big Brother winner in five years (Rachel Reilly was the last female winner in Big Brother 13).
Nicole will also become the first female Big Brother winner to beat a male player. She will also be the third returnee player to ever win their second time around.
Nicole also will become the 6th female Big Brother winner.
James Huling and Paul Abrahamian will also make some historical Big Brother firsts if they win. Paul will be the first Armenian American to win Big Brother.
James becomes the first male Korean American winner, second racial minority winner, and one of only three returnee player winners.
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