We are only a little over two weeks away from the Big Brother 19 premiere. Rumors have already started flying fast and furious, but the only true way to know what to expect from this Big Brother 2017 season is to subscribe to CBS: All-Access. To start putting some rumors to rest, we can now officially confirm the date of the Big Brother 19 cast reveal.

Earlier today CBS announced that we will meet the Big Brother 19 cast on Monday, June 19, exactly 1 week from today and 9 days before the Big Brother summer premiere. Jeff Schroeder takes on his usual hosting duties by interviewing the new cast. Expect him to ask the new houseguests questions about showmances, being hated or loved by America, and animals that describe them.
Over the last couple of weeks, CBS has conducted a March Madness style bracket competition to crown the ‘Most Memorable Houseguest.’ CBS has also been doing similar ‘Best of Big Brother’ polls, which lets fans vote on things such as best alliance and best showmance. These polls have made some Big Brother fans wonder if Big Brother 19 might include some returning players. We’ll all just have to wait until Monday, June 19 to see if these polls have any influence on this season’s game.
The cast reveal will only happen on CBS: All-Access. Therefore, you definitely want to sign up for Live Feeds before June 19. Make sure to sign up for them directly through our website. We get a small profit for every person who signs up through our referral link, this helps keep Big Brother Access running and available to give you the content that you love to read and see. Currently, CBS is offering a one week trial to new user, so you’re going to want to grab this deal before it is gone.
Make sure to tune into the Big Brother premiere on June 28 at 8 EST. Keep it here all summer for live feeds updates, spoilers, and recaps!