We had a six hour Big Brother 19 Live Feeds outage due to the second part of the final Head of Household competition. Prior to it, the houseguests just had a short discussion about the finals. Paul Abrahamian really encouraged Josh Martinez to win the second round, so that Christmas Abbott didn’t have a chance to stop their path to the Big Brother 19 finals.
With Josh’s possible change of heart, it seems like a done deal: Josh and Paul will be the final two. However, Josh has three days to switch back and forth about his decision to take Paul to the finals over Christmas. We hope he wakes up before it’s too late.
The feeds returned to Josh and Christmas just finishing the second round of the HOH comp. Both were angry and complained a lot about how hard it was to complete. Apparently, it involved a lot of physical activity as they had to run, shoot down pictures of the former houseguests, and answer trivia questions. Paul took the time to address both privately. He congratulated Christmas for doing a great job, despite her losing.
She looks a little disappointed in herself for not being able to beat Josh. Christmas also kept insisting that she could have won it if one factor changed. Josh claimed that he beat her by 7 minutes. Paul patted Josh on the head and told him good job. He expressed fear that Josh was losing it (since they took so long to complete it).
Paul insisted that neither of them had a chance to win in the finals if Christmas was there with either of them. They then discussed telling her together that they weren’t bringing her to the end. They decided to tell her together and drop this bomb later in the week.
Both also lied about their goodbye messages. They both claimed they clowned the jury members in them, and that’s fuel for the jury to hate them on finale night.
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