Big Brother 2013 Spoilers: Live Feeds Week 4 Monday Afternoon Report

Talk on the Big Brother Live Feeds Monday afternoon continued to revolve heavily around who could possibly be the Most Valuable Player this week and what the hell they were thinking. We know, of course, that America is the MVP — but we don’t know what they were thinking either. Although several Big Brother 15 cast members have theorized that America may have been the MVP, only Spencer — interestingly enough — seems to have figured out how the logistics of how the vote actually may have gone down.


Right now the house is still somewhat spit about who should go home on Big Brother 2013 this week, with about half the house behind the idea of voting out one particular eviction nominee. There is still a lot of chatter going on, new alliances popping up, and heavy campaigning in action. So anything and everything could very well change before the CBS Big Brother 15 live eviction show on Thursday night.

WARNING: The following post contains Big Brother spoilers on various bits of game play, alliances, competition results and other goodies directly from the behind-the-scenes action on the 2013 Big Brother Live Feeds. Please click away now if you do not want this information revealed to you!

Big Brother Live Feeds Report: Monday Afternoon, 7/22/2013 (Note: times have been screwy on the feeds today so some stuff may a bit jumbled together in the morning/afternoon reports…)

12:00 PM BBT: Judd tells Kaitlin that he thinks Aaryn will definitely go home. If she doesn’t, then people are totally lying to him and he is f**ked. Judd, BTW, actually wants Kaitlin to go home. So he’s totally lying to her face. Judd trash talks about GinaMarie and how she just can’t keep her mouth shut and keeps saying the wrong stuff.

Untitled-612:15 PM BBT: Spencer and Howard conspire together. These two are seriously shady. If we were in the Big Brother 15 house, we wouldn’t trust anything either of them says. Spencer says he made an alliance with Judd and Andy for both of them. Spencer says they should think of a name for their alliance to make everyone feel solid about it. We are temporarily going to call it The Shady Alliance.

12:25 PM BBT: McCrae tells GinaMarie not to worry about the eviction because she’s totally safe. He tells her that if he is wrong and she goes home, he will give her the $5,000 he won in the Power of Veto Competition.

Untitled-212:55 PM BBT: Candice and Howard have way too much skin contact in the pool while they whisper to each other. Helen talks about the upcoming Amanda/McCrae Big Brother fake wedding and when they should do it. McCrae says Amanda wants to do it next week. Helen says they should all ask for liquor and then save it up so they don’t have to go dry at the wedding. Meanwhile, OMG Andy is finally in the pool after 32 days. We hope he has on a LOT of sunscreen.

1:40 PM BBT: Judd and GinaMarie nap in the Head of Household room. Everyone is is pretty much hanging out around the pool outside.

2:40 PM BBT: Elissa and Helen talk about the eviction vote. Helen is pushing Elissa to vote against Kaitlin to get her out instead of Aaryn. Elissa really wants Aaryn but she might be persuaded by her Mom Squad alliance mate.

3:45 PM BBT: More talk about who the Most Valuable Player could be this week. Aaryn and Kaitlin are both freaked out about going home. GinaMarie, who should know better, is also worried she might go home. Aaryn tells Judd she doesn’t want to go home. This is in contrast to Elissa, who would rather go home herself than have Aaryn be in the house another week (seriously, she said that). Aaryn promises that she will never put Judd up if she stays. Judd says he doesn’t intend for her to be evicted.

4:05 PM BBT: Aryan and GinaMarie trash talk about Elissa. Aaryn says the only thing she is good at is guzzling things down her throat and who’s surprised at that?

4:30 PM BBT: Helen, Judd and Jessie are all trying to work Elissa to vote against Kaitlin, telling her that she is the bigger threat and needs to go home. Elissa is still in Aaryn hate mode and talks about how she’s a nasty person and says horrible things. She doesn’t give any good game play reasons for wanting her out though.

Untitled-54:40 PM BBT: Spencer believes that America is the Most Valuable Player and that they probably wanted Aaryn to go up on the block or Kaitlin but Judd put them both up. So Elissa was likely the person they wanted to evict next, followed by GinaMarie. He thinks Aaryn probably had the most votes. Helen totally thinks this makes sense. Elissa doesn’t understand why the fans wouldn’t like her and would put her up. She wonders if she is being “edited” badly on the TV show. Elissa thinks it must have been someone in the house instead and she’s kind of pissy at Spencer for suggesting the fans don’t like her. He backtracks and tries to eat his words.

Stay tuned for more Big Brother 2013 Live Feeds spoilers and highlights coming to you right here at! Or take the plunge yourself and try out a two-day free trial to see all the 24/7 uncensored action inside the house day and night.


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