One of the most intriguing additions to the Big Brother 16 cast this year is gay YouTube personality Frankie J. Grande. Not only does Frankie, 31, already have his dedicated fan following for his crazy YouTube videos, but he also happens to be the brother of actress and pop singer Ariana Grande.

We’ve had YouTube personalities on the show in the past, like Wil Heuser of Big Brother 14. We’ve also had siblings of semi-famous people, like Willie Hantz, also of Big Brother 14. Frankie Grande, however, brings a whole new level of pre-existing fandom to the table as a contestant on BB16. Not only is he a much more well-known YouTuber than Wil, he also has the backing of his sister’s massive legion of supporters.
Why could this be a very important factor in the game to come? And possibly very dangerous for Frankie as a player if the others know who he is? Well, it’s all about the whole Team America voting twist this season.
The first vote of the season seems to be some kind of mysterious thing about alliances or teams going into the premiere. But if that vote happens to end up being something even more important later in the season, Frankie could have a huge advantage going for him.
Frankie has over 100,000 followers on YouTube and over 500k on Twitter. So he obviously already has a huge legion of potential voters to help him in the game. Then he also has his famous sister, Ariana Grande, to help him out as well. She already gave him a huge boost of free press with a tweet out to her almost 16 MILLION fans on Twitter after the Big Brother 16 cast list was announced.
congrats to my big brother on being cast in season 16 of big brother…… so proud of u / I’m a nervous wreck #bb16 you’re gonna kill it
— Ariana Grande (@ArianaGrande) June 19, 2014
So, if America’s votes come to mean something in the game this season, like they did with the whole America’s Favorite vote previously, Frankie might just end up with an unfair advantage over the other Houseguests. On the other hand, if the other Big Brother 2014 cast members figure out who he is, they may gang up on him right from the start to get him out as quickly as possible.
Guess we’ll just have to wait and see how being a celebrity sibling is going to play out for Frankie J. Grande in the Big Brother 16 house!
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