Big Brother 16 continues tonight on CBS!. Tonight, the Houseguests compete for the coveted, golden Power of Veto. Then, the winner will chose whether to veto one of Cody’s two nominations.

This past Sunday, we learned that Cody and Frankie became the two Heads of Household for the week. Frankie nominated Amber and Jocasta while Cody nominated Brittany and Victoria. The four nominees then competed in the Battle of the Block, in which Amber and Jocasta won and dethroned Frankie as the second Head of Household.
This result left Cody as the sole Head of Household while Brittany and Victoria remained on the block. Tonight, three randomly selected Houseguests will join Cody, Brittany, and Victoria in the fourth Power of Veto competition of the summer.
Both Brittany and Victoria felt they were completely alone in the house. Neither trusted hardly any of the other Houseguests.
Caleb continued his stalker-like actions regarding his obsession with Amber. He continuously walks into rooms when he knows Amber and Cody are together. He vented his aggravation to Brittany, bemoaning the fact that Amber never thanks him for sticking up for her.
When it came to pick players for the Power of Veto competition, Cody picked Zach’s chip and Victoria picked Nicole’s chip. Brittany had a Houseguest choice and chose Caleb. We heard from the Live Feeds that Brittany asked for volunteers and Caleb raised his hand. The production apparently edited that portion out to aid the flow of their conversation the prior evening.
For this Power of Veto competition, the Houseguests were treated to a soccer set. They had to launch soccer balls into nets with corresponding scores. The lowest scorer of each round exits the game and grabs one of six prizes or punishments.
Cody, the former professional soccer player, was the first one out. His sixth place prize was the golden Power of Veto. Brittany exited the competition next, and picked up the Penalty Kick punishment in which the owner of the punishment is kicked by the Big Brother penalty kicker whenever the bell rings.
Zach is the next out, and picks up a trip to Germany. Nicole is the fourth player out. She picks up the punishment of kicking 2,400 goals in 24 hours and immediately trades it for the golden Power of Veto.
Caleb and Victoria were the last two remaining. Victoria scored a zero and claimed the second place trophy, which contained $5,000. She traded it for the golden Power of Veto. Caleb, the winner of the competition, chose to take the $5,000 rather than the Power of Veto, leaving Victoria the possessor of the coveted golden necklace.
Cody is fuming angry that Caleb chose money over power, forcing Cody to get yet more blood on his hands by having to nominate another Houseguest.
Brittany was committed to kicking her 2,400 goals, while Cody suffered through his penalty kicks punishment for 24 hours.
The Detonators alliance was not together on what Cody should do. Zach wanted him to nominate Caleb while Derrick and Frankie wanted Donny to go up.
Cody spoke with Donny and promised that he wouldn’t be going on the block. He then announced to the backyard that he would nominate Caleb instead. Frankie and Derrick, however, quickly tried to convince him otherwise.
CBS announced the next two possible tasks for Team America. They will either hide a Houseguest’s personal items and blame it on someone else, or instigate an argument between two Houseguests at one of the next house ceremonies.
At the Power of Veto ceremony, Victoria removed herself from the block. Cody went back on his word to Donny and nominated him in Victoria’s place. Either Brittany or Donny will be evicted from the Big Brother house tomorrow night!