Ever since Big Brother 2014 host Julie Chen doled out cryptic hints about the details of “the most twisted season yet” on The Talk last week, the loyal and raucous Big Brother fan base has been abuzz trying to piece together the clues.

Here’s what we know: there will be two Heads of Household each week who will both nominate two houseguests for eviction, a new “Battle of the Block” competition will place both HOHs in danger of eviction, and America will have an interactive voice in the game with “Team America.”
No one is sure exactly how these twists will work yet with the brand new batch of Big Brother 16 cast members already in the house, but here’s my best guess:
This year’s house might be split into two teams, one of which is Team America. The voting for Team America closed before the houseguests entered the house on July 21, which would give production time to split them in two. Team America may have special privileges or may even be the “haves.”
Each team would then compete among themselves for HOH, generating the two HOHs in the house. The Battle of the Block competition might pit the four nominees and the two HOHs against each other to determine the actual two nominees up for eviction on Thursday.
This guess fits with comments from Executive Producers Allison Grodner and Rich Meehan. Allison notes that this year’s houseguests “will need to throw out any pre-existing strategy if they want to survive in the game.” Most houseguests indicated in interviews that they planned to lay low at first and wait for others to self-destruct. This strategy may not work as well this season if 2/7 houseguests are nominated from each team.
It also fits with the description of the second part of the Big Brother 16 premiere on Thursday, which states that “[t]he second group of eight participants is introduced, and the houseguests settle into the home where they will be competing. Julie Chen reveals details about two new twists….”

If this guess is accurate, it definitely has potential to generate an exciting and dramatic season. While Frankie Grande may have a distinct and potentially unfair advantage in making Team America, this year’s twists will certainly rock the house. Watch Julie’s explanation and give us your thoughts in the comments area below!