We are eagerly awaiting the Big Brother spoilers for the week 12 eviction nominations due out sometime today. Finally, it looks like the new Head of Household may be about to make a big move. Which could backfire badly if the Power of Veto does not go his way, adding even more much-needed drama to the game after a boring, pointless “rewind” week.

WARNING: This post contains Big Brother 16 spoilers on alliances, strategy, competition results and more. Please proceed at your own Big Brother 2014 spoilers risk!
After last night’s #BBRewind show, the repeat Head of Household Competition wrapped up with Caleb taking the top prize. The new HoH was immediately bombarded by Cody and Derrick urging him to put Frankie up with Victoria as the eviction nominees this week. Caleb wanted to backdoor Frankie, fearing reprisal if Frankie was nominated and then won the HoH. The other guys, however, did not want to take any chances and wanted Frankie on the block from the beginning.
Frankie, of course, had his own arguments to make about why he should NOT be a big, fat target this week. He talks about how loyal he has been to Caleb with their final two deal from the beginning. Caleb swears to Frankie that the target will be Victoria this week and that all the guys are invested in their final four deal. Considering that Caleb is lying through his teeth to Frankie throughout this conversation, we feel like Caleb has decided to go with the plan to nominate Frankie from the start this week.
The week 12 eviction nominations should come in sometime today and we’ll bring you the Big Brother spoilers on those as soon as we have them. Meanwhile, we will just sit here and continue to be astounded that no one seems to have any clue how incredibly dangerous Derrick is, and don’t even think it’s weird that he’s never been on the block even once all season.