Big Brother 26 Epsiode 6: New HOH & Alliance

Last week on Big Brother 26, the first houseguest was evicted. Kenney Kelley and Matt Hardeman were the final two in the block for eviction. With a vote of 8 to 3 under the Head of Household of Angela Murray, Matt was the first houseguest evicted from the Big Brother 26 house.

Big Brother 26

Tonight, a new Head of Household will be crowned. Makensy Manbeck still holds America’s Veto power, and Quinn Martin holds the Deep Fake HOH power. Will either of those special powers be used this week in the Big Brother 26 house? Who will win the HOH and hold power this week?

Big Brother 26 Week One Eviction Fallout

There were three votes to evict Matt, and the house is very curious as to who cast those votes against Matt. Lisa Weintraub was one of those votes, but she has decided it would be best for her game to deny she voted for Matt.

Tucker Des Lauries suspects it was Lisa that was the third vote for Matt, and he believes she is a snake in the grass. He wants her to go. Chelsie is clearly convinced that Lisa was the third vote after Leah and Makensy. She is correct.

Chelsie and Lisa

Big Brother 26 Week Two Head of Household Competition

This week’s HOH is called Animal Obsession. The Hosueguests will watch a complication os animal video and then asked true or false questions. If you get an answer wrong, you are immediately eliminated. The last player standing wins the second HOH in Big Brother 26.

The last three houseguests standing were Chelsie Bahaun, T’Kor Clottey, and Leah Peters. Chelsie came in clutch and won the HOH competition.

Big Brother 26

Chelsie wants the least amount of blood on her hands this week as the HOH, and who could blame her after all the drama with Angela last week.

Chelsie talks to many of the hosueguests to get their opinion onw who to target for eviction this week. T’Kor suggests Kenney as a potential target. Tucker obviously suggests Lisa to Chelsie for eviction.

A new alliance is formed with the newly appointed HOH. The alliance is called the Pentagon and includes Chelsie, Cam Sullivan-Brown, Cedric Hodges, Quinn, and Brooklyn Rivera.

Angela spoke to Chelsie and offers shield to her during her HOH week. The Big Brother 26 house expects Angela to go on the block after her shenanigans as HOH last week. Chelsie would be a fool not to nominate her to the block.

Makensy saves her game by revealing to Chelsie her power, America’s Veto.

The Pentagon meet to discuss the situation at hand this week in the Big Brother 26 game. They all agree that the easiest nominations are Kenney, Lisa, and Angela. Chelsie makes sure to keep Makensy out of the mix because she has the power that Chelsie wants to take advantage of at some point.

The Pentagon

The Pentagon alliance thinks Lisa holds one of the secret powers, but she does not. The other power is with Quinn.

Big Brother 26 Week Two Block Nominations

Time for the second week of block nominations. As predicted, Chelsie nominated Kenney, Lisa, and Angela to the block for eviction this week.

Big Brother 26

Join us again this Wednesday, July 31st at 8 PM for the next episode of Big Brother 26.

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