It’s been yet another hectic weekend in the Big Brother Canada house. If you haven’t been able to keep up, don’t worry! We’ve got you covered here as we recap this week so far as we head into Thursday’s third eviction of the season!

Please be advised that there are spoilers below, including events that have not yet aired on the television show. Do not read further if you do not wish to be spoiled.
As already revealed on the television show, Loveita won Head of Household for the second time this season on Thursday night, narrowly beating out Nick for the crown! What we didn’t find out until Sunday night’s show is that she had overheard Cassandra trash talking her immediately after her victory.
Loveita worked herself back into a prime position in the game, although she’s still somewhat ostracized from the house. Nikki has grown close to her as well, though bonding over their distaste for Kelsey has been a part of that. At some point on Thursday night after some fun drinking games, Nikki confronted Kelsey about not liking her. She said that it wasn’t the case and later told her allies that she think Nikki has problems with alcohol.
Meanwhile, discussions of who to nominate were already coming up with Loveita being on the fence regarding whether or not to target the alliance of Kelsey, Jared, and Raul. Prior to the eviction, they had cut a deal if they kept her, and she was hoping to stick to it. But many of the floaters like Joel, Tim, and Mitch were advising her to go for the glory and make a big move, and that they didn’t expect the Third Wheel alliance to stick to their promise to Loveita. She expressed a desire to nominate Kelsey, but ultimately worried it would lead to her being a target the next week once again.
Loveita had discussions with Third Wheel and they repeated that they’d be loyal to her, and she felt that they would hold to their word but still expressed issues trusting them to the cameras and her fellow houseguests. She told Mitch that she felt Kelsey is fake and has a horrible attitude. Ultimately, she felt like playing it safe was the best way to avoid becoming a target in the weeks to come and nominated Cassandra for her comments about her and Christine for their lack of a connection.
After nominations, Jared thanked Loveita for sticking to her word and she told him that Cassandra was her intended target. Shortly after, Cassandra apologized to Loveita about her comments. Joel was in this conversation with them and they discussed potential backdoor options if they were to save Cassandra from the block with the Power of Veto. Cassandra mentioned nominating Nick and Philippe and it was something that some of the other houseguests were discussing as a good plan as well.
Kelsey attempted to push the idea of Loveita backdooring Maddy if the Power of Veto was used, but Loveita was not fond of the idea as they’ve been fairly close. Kelsey told Cassandra she was attempting to keep her, but Cassandra was not happy with this and the two argued, with Cass saying she wanted to take care of this herself.
Ramsey, Dallas, and Jared were selected to play in the Power of Veto along with Loveita, Christine, and Cassandra. Dallas ended up winning the Power of Veto, and many conversations started taking place about potential backdoor options that Loveita and Dallas can explore together.
Many were suggesting that she should backdoor Philippe and Nick, but Loveita said she wasn’t going to do that. After that, Dallas and a few of the others pushed to see Jared backdoored, while she more strongly considered the idea of putting Kelsey up as a replacement if Dallas used the Power of Veto. Meanwhile, Loveita also worked on creating new alliances, particularly with Joel, Mitch, Tim, and Nikki.
Loveita worried about not having the votes to take out Jared if he was put up as a replacement. Ultimately, she ended up telling Dallas and others pushing for a Jared backdoor that someone else could take care of it next week, and she ultimately told Dallas she didn’t want him to use the Power of Veto, so he didn’t.
Once again, the vote is up in the air with many houseguests wanting to go against Loveita’s wishes of taking out Cassandra this week. Tim in particular has given mixed signals about whether he wants to keep Cassandra who he is extremely close to or if he wants to take her out so that he doesn’t get too involved with her. It’ll unfold in the next couple of days as we close out week three and bring in week four this Thursday!