So far on Big Brother 2015, we don’t have a lot of showmance love going on, but we’re hoping to see more heating up soon. Although there has been a little flirting here and there, the only real action of any note has been between Clay Honeycutt and Shelli Poole.

Clay and Shelli had eyes for each other right from the beginning of the Big Brother 17 season, despite the decade gap in their ages. Neither of them seem to care about the whole age difference thing, although other Houseguests certainly like to comment on it.
Shelli has said she isn’t taking it as a serious thing, but Clay seems quite devoted — even swearing he would rather be evicted than have to betray her trust. But will the Shelli/Clay showmance ever progress past the cuddling stage? Well, it’s still only the second week of the show, so we’ll just have to wait and see!
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