What an insane Big Brother Live Feeds spoilers day on Tuesday! Which was followed by a night of rehashing all the drama and Houseguests scrambling to shift their allegiances and alliances inside the house. We jsut cannot believe the insanity of this Big Brother 17 cast in only the first week, before the first Houseguest has even been evicted!
WARNING: This post contains Big Brother spoilers from the Live Feeds that have not yet aired on the CBS show. Please do not proceed if you do not want spoilers!
Read our last Big Brother Live Feeds report here: Big Brother Live Feeds Spoilers: Tuesday Report – 6/30/2015
12:00 AM BBT: Shelli, Clay and Jeff agree on (yet another) alliance but Clay wants to bring in at least three others to make it a six person deal.
12:05 AM BBT: Steve talks with Audrey again and wants to know if she wants Jace to stay. She says yes and tells him all about the 8 person alliance (Jackie, Jeff, James, Clay, Meg, Da’Vonne, Audrey, Jason) plus Shelli as an add-on. Steve asks if people were making fun of him (like Jace said they were). Audrey says they just thought he was weird walking around all the time. Like they would joke and peek around to see if he was lurking about. Audrey says she might vote against Jackie because she’s told Jace everything now. Check out if there are London escorts available in Kiev on this site.
12:30 AM BBT: Now it’s James’ turn with Audrey and he wants to know where everything went crazy. He thought everything was going fine and he was taking the blame for Jace getting backdoored. They have a very intense, long conversation where Audrey doesn’t really listen enough and keeps playing the victim card and blaming everyone else, especially Da’Vonne. Some of the other Houseguests gather nearby and try to eavesdrop on the conversation, including Da’Vonne.
1:00 AM BBT: Jace tells Austin he is going to blast everyone he doesn’t care anymore. He is really, really pissed off and he has been getting played all along. He doesn’t want a vote from any of them and calls them all terrible people. Austin says he needs to chill and think about strategy. Jace says he is done and everyone is horrible and nasty pieces of sh*t. Jace says he doesn’t want to be in there with those horrible people anymore and he hopes America can see how everyone sucks except Austin, Liz and Vanessa. Austin says not to single them out please and walks off whispering that Jace has lost his mind.
1:08 AM BBT: Jace is out in the backyard preaching to everyone that all their alliances with each other are fake crap. He says you can’t have a real alliance if everyone in it is throwing everyone else under the bus. They all talk sh*t about each other and no one has anyone’s back. Jace complains this must be the worst Big Brother season ever. We would argue this has been the most entertaining so far in years. ESPECIALLY as a CBS All Access Live Feeds subscriber.
1:20 AM BBT: Audrey talks with Vanessa and says she was very shy before this and stayed in her parents’ house mostly.
1:35 AM BBT: Audrey tells James that Da’Vonne implied Becky has made racist slurs. James says that is not cool Audrey saying that, she shouldn’t have done that. He says there is no way Becky is a racist because she plays basketball and dates black people. Audrey says she was just trying to make a point that Da’Vonne is full of sh*t. Audrey has previously made accusations of Steve making gay slurs. This seems to be a tactic and we don’t like it.
1:45 AM BBT: Jace tells Vanessa he maintained his morals in the house. (Is that what he calls what he did to Steve?) Vanessa asks him if he needs to talk to someone in the Diary Room, like a psychologist? Jace says no one in Production is helping him. He wants to leave but he says they want to keep him because it would look back. Jace says Vanessa shouldn’t even talk to him and he wouldn’t even want to come back to this house full of horrible people except for her, Liz and Austin. Vanessa says that she learned in the gambling world that you have to know how to lose as well as win. Jace doesn’t care anymore.
1:50 AM BBT: Shelli and Audrey are rehashing all the drama again. She talks about how Clay has told her a lot of things Audrey has lied about and Audrey has risked their game with all of these. She loves her as a person and they will be friends, but this has been bad.
2:10 AM BBT: James, John and Meg talk in the HoH. Well, John tries to sleep mostly. Meg tells them she heard Jace really going off about how this is the worst cast ever and it is not cool. He said he didn’t want to be in this house anymore with these horrible people but now he is talking to Jeff.
James goes down and talks to Jace and says it was not cool everything he was ranting about in the backyard. Jace is not feeling very apologetic.
2:35 AM BBT: Jeff, Austin, Liz and Clay talk. Jeff tells them Jace said no one gets thrown under the bus more than Jeff does. Clay says that is f*cked. Jeff tells Austin he feels bad for him. Clay tells them about his latest talk with Audrey.
2:40 AM BBT: Jace tells Clay that he is a really good dude and he didn’t mean anything by anything he said about him. He says if Production tries to put him in sequester he will go rogue. He says he told Production he doesn’t want to be in the house anymore. Jace says he had Clay’s back and never would have turned on him. (Although he previously included him in the ‘horrible people’ of the house.)
Over in the bedroom, Jason says he feels bad for Audrey because she dug her own hole. He says he doesn’t trust her and doesn’t know how to talk to her. Jason says Audrey was queen of the house and just could have chilled, but she didn’t and she screwed herself. She did everyone dirty and he can’t just forgive her.
3:00 AM BBT: Jace apologizes to Audrey for fighting with her. Audrey forgives him. He tells her how he ranted at everyone earlier because he knows he’s done for. Audrey thinks she might could flip Becky but doesn’t know how to prove it. (That accusation Da’Vonne allegedly made about Becky saying racist things that we didn’t hear.) They rehash a bunch of rumors and gossip.
Meanwhile, Clay talks to Shelli and James about how he feels bad about the way Audrey and Jace have been ostracized. Jace comes in and apologizes to Shelli and says he didn’t mean to attack her and she is a great person. He then goes and apologizes to Jason as well. Jason says Audrey ran everyone through the mud.
3:20 AM BBT: James talks to Jeff and Meg and tells them people aren’t angry anymore, they are feeling bad. Meg scoffs at that and says Audrey just had to be escorted to the shower by Shelli and she’s never seen anyone intentionally isolate themselves like she has. James says Clay feels terrible because Jace told him he always dreamed of being on Big Brother and Clay helped backdoor him. Meg says Jace just ranted about how they were all horrible people and they all dreamed of being on the show! Meg says even Audrey isn’t a horrible person, she just played a bad game!
Jeff says well they can forget about their 8 person alliance now, it is all broken up. James says he wants to work with them and they agree. They don’t think they should work with Da’Vonne or maybe Jason either. Meg would choose Jackie over Becky. Jeff really wants Jason. Jeff says he’s only heard of Austin wanting to go after James. Meg says John likes her and might be good. Jeff agrees he might be good. Jeff thinks Jackie might be good if not Liz. James and Meg don’t trust Austin at all.
3:50 AM BBT: Shelli being cozy with Clay. Tells him this is all just a game and just be careful who you talk to and how. Clay says he still loves Audrey as a person. He talks about being recruited to be on the show. Random chatter.
4:15 AM BBT: James whispers to Meg about Audrey saying Da’Vonne said Becky made racist comments. He says it is just to try to manipulate things against him and Da’Vonne. He said Becky was just talking about something Aaryn Gries said during her season. Jason says he is going to hang with Becky tomorrow and he isn’t going to let people try to blow up nothing crap into something.
Jeff whispers with Clay that the 8 alliance is breaking up. He says it can’t just be him, Clay and Shelli. They need more numbers. Meg and Jackie, and maybe Jason but not Da’Vonne. Clay doesn’t think they can get Jason without Da’Vonne. Jeff says Meg is working on him.
4:50 AM BBT: FINALLY it seems everyone is asleep!
State of the House:
- Big Brother 17 Alliance Chart 6-29-2015 ( courtesy of @89razorskate20 )
That’s a wrap for this Live Feeds report! More to come soon in our next report!
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