We have Big Brother 16 spoilers from the Live Feeds on the outcome of Team America’s first secret mission: success! Donny, Derrick, and Frankie were able to complete their first task before the deadline on Monday, which means each of them has pocketed a sweet $5,000.

Team America’s secret mission chosen by the fans this week was to spread the rumor that one of the Houseguests was related to a former Big Brother cast member. They decided to attempt to convince people that Zach is related to former Big Brother 15 Houseguest Amanda Zuckerman. We could actually sort of see a slight family resemblance and they certain do share the ability to be totally wacky.
Donny told the rumor to Nicole, who then spread that rumor to Christine — earning the team one point. Derrick told Caleb, who went on to share the story with Amber — earning the team another point. Derrick also told Victoria, who finally passed the rumor along to Brittany — earning the third point needed to complete the mission.
Frankie, meanwhile, apparently did not spread the rumor to anyone, even though all three Team America members were supposed to be involved.
Instead of just leaving the rumor to wander around, Derrick and Donny actually told it to Zach himself. To cover their secret mission, Derrick says that Paola told Donny that Zach was related to Amanda before she was evicted on Thursday night.
Zach actually thinks this is all quite amusing. Zach actually thinks it might be fun to keep spreading the rumor around, and Donny and Derrick kind of encourage him!
Thus, the joke of Zach Zuckerman was born and none of the Houseguests really seem all that worked up about the rumor at this point.