The Big Brother 16 spoilers are in for the week 3 Power of Veto Ceremony! The majority of the Houseguests have been scheming and planning all week long for this moment. But did their nefarious plan come to fruition when the Power of Veto was put into play?

WARNING: This post contains Big Brother 16 spoilers from the Live Feeds that have not yet aired on the CBS show. You have been warned! Proceed are your own risk.
The plan to backdoor Devin out of the house this week hit a major snag when the Power of Veto Competition players were chosen on Saturday. The Heads of Household succeeded in keeping him off the block so that he would not automatically be guaranteed a spot in the competition. However, they could not prevent his name from randomly being drawn as one of the extra players.
Naturally, that is exactly what happened. Luckily for the Houseguests conspiring against him, Devin did not manage to win the Battle of the Block. That honor instead went to Donny. Which probably left Devin feeling really lame for not holding on to that Double D alliance he screwed over and demolished not just once, but twice.
Since he played in the Veto Competition, Devin can no longer technically be ‘backdoored’ so to speak, but that doesn’t mean he still can’t get booted out of the house this week. The big question was, of course, would Donny use the Power of Veto to save someone from the block so that Derrick could put Devin up as the renom?
Well, Devin had promised Jocasta that he would use the PoV to save her. If that did indeed happen, it looked like a definite that Derrick would put up Devin against Caleb on the block this week.
Unlike Devin, it seems that Donny actually sticks to his word. When the Big Brother Live Feeds came back on after the Power of Veto Ceremony, we got the Big Brother spoilers very quickly. Donny did save Jocasta from the block, and Derrick put up Devin in his place.
Looks like unless something major shifts in the house over the next few days, Devin is headed out the door.