Big Brother 20 Week 5 Alliance Update
We are now over a month into Big Brother 20, and this season is shaping up to be a good one…maybe even a great one. Since day one, we have had a clearly divided house going […]
We are now over a month into Big Brother 20, and this season is shaping up to be a good one…maybe even a great one. Since day one, we have had a clearly divided house going […]
Fourty-one days in the Big Brother 20 house and F.O.U.T.T.E (now called the Hive) still can’t smell a blindside coming. For the fourth time in five weeks, Faysal Shafaat, Bayleigh Dayton, Scottie Salton, Angie “Rockstar” […]
This Big Brother 20 week, Bayleigh Dayton nominated Brett Robinson and Rachel Swindler for eviction. Her target was Brett. However, Rachel has quickly alienated herself from her former Level 6 alliance, and made little effort […]
Once Bayleigh Dayton told Rachel Swindler about her Big Brother 20 app store power, we knew it was only a matter of time before it got around to everyone. Rachel held Bayleigh’s secret for a […]
After the last HOH, Sam Bledsoe successfully evicted her target, Kaitlyn Herman, can another female take control in the Big Brother house? With women having the majority right now by a 7 to 5 margin, […]
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