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Big Brother

!SPOILER ALERT! – Veto Competition Players

If you have been keeping up with the spoilers here at, you’ll already know who has been put up for elimination this week by Head of Household winner Jordan. Now, via the Big Brother live feeds, we know who will be competing for that oh-so-valuable Power of Veto this weekend. […]

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Big Brother

Big Brother Cast Shocker Update: MAJOR SPOILER

Late Thursday night, viewers of the Big Brother live feeds began to wonder if something very strange was going on in the Big Brother 13 house when one of the houseguests mysteriously went missing for a very long period of time. Now we have a statement released by CBS and the houseguest involved about what went down in the Big Brother house. […]

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Big Brother

Big Brother 13 Live Feeds Evening Review: July 7

The CBS Big Brother 13 premiere is over and the obsessive Big Brother live feed fan watching has begun! We’ve already found out via the live feeds who appears to be up for elimination for Sunday’s CBS episode. We’re also very intrigued by the dissappearance from the live feeds of one of the Big Brother 13 houseguests…
