!SPOILER ALERT! – Big Brother 13: Week 9 Power of Veto Ceremony
The Power of Veto Ceremony for Big Brother 13 week 9 is over and we’ve got the spoilers. Did the Veto holder use the power and force a renom or were the nominations left in […]
The Power of Veto Ceremony for Big Brother 13 week 9 is over and we’ve got the spoilers. Did the Veto holder use the power and force a renom or were the nominations left in […]
The Power of Veto Competition for Big Brother 13 week nine is over and we’ve got the results spoiler for you. This is one of the most important Power of Veto competitions of the year and everyone was rather stressed about who would land the POV this time around. Whoever has the POV could totally turn the house upside down this week! […]
The Power of Veto Ceremony for week 8 in the Big Brother 13 house is over. The results were hardly shocking considering who won the POV. Now it is up to the two players on the eviction block to campaign like hell to be the one who stays in the house. Unfortunately for one of them, it just may be far too late… […]
This week has proved to be the most exciting in the Big Brother 13 house so far and it’s only going to get better tonight with the double whammy of the Fast Forward eviction. The houseguests all think it is happening next week, but they are in for a big surprise when two houseguests get booted to the jury house tonight! […]
This week’s Big Brother 13 Power of Veto ceremony had the potential to be a huge game changer. The fate of half the remaining in the Big Brother house could easily rest on the decision made today. Click underneath the SPOILER alert below to find out what happened! […]
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