Why Nicole Franzel Deserves to Win Big Brother 22
It’s time for day two of the look back at each player’s game. Yesterday, we discussed Enzo Palumbo‘s game and how he may have the most difficult road to win Big Brother 22, but his social […]
It’s time for day two of the look back at each player’s game. Yesterday, we discussed Enzo Palumbo‘s game and how he may have the most difficult road to win Big Brother 22, but his social […]
It’s that time of the Big Brother season to look back at the final three player’s games and discuss what they did well, their biggest mishaps, and what makes them deserving of winning the game. For the […]
We are only two competitions away from the jury members getting to vote for the Big Brother 22 winner. These last competitions can really determine who takes home the grand prize. The only way to […]
Tonight is the night that kicks off the Big Brother 22 finals. We saw Christmas Abbott leave today, one spot short of the final three. She ended up placing one position less than her original Big Brother 19 season. Now […]
There are only six days left in the Big Brother: All-Stars game, and only one more eviction before finale night. On yesterday’s episode, we saw Cody Calafiore win the last Big Brother 22 Power of Veto competition and now he […]
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