!SPOILER ALERT! – Big Brother 13 Week 7 Nominations
Deals are flying, houseguests are begging and everyone wants to know who is going to end up on the block this week. Find out who was nominated for eviction this week! […]
Deals are flying, houseguests are begging and everyone wants to know who is going to end up on the block this week. Find out who was nominated for eviction this week! […]
Holy Batman it is getting totally crazy in the Big Brother 13 house! We thought things were dramatic enough when Lawon volunteered to get himself evicted in what may have been the stupidest move in Big Brother history. But wow, the insanity just kept coming today as the new Head of Household suddenly changed their mind at the very last minute about who was going to put up on the block. […]
Tonight on Big Brother 13 on CBS, everything went all kinds of crazy. This is the kind of wild and wacky fun we expect from Big Brother! The results of the live eviction are now in along with the results of the America’s Vote Twist challenge. So read on to find out who was evicted from the house this week and what happened with the twist! […]
The first newbie Head of Household on Big Brother 13 has made her nominations for eviction. Of course, with one of the veteran players whispering constantly in Kalia’s ear, it’s pretty obvious who is really running the show. […]
The Newbs once again failed to grab the power, but instead they got the next best thing: a veteran player on their side. This week the nominations for eviction are exciting for putting some action […]
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